Reverb was a lot of fun, We left for it about 4:40 pm, I rode with a youth leader in my youth group and he didn't have any music besides Christmas so all night in the car we were singing to Christmas music. We got to the stadium about a hour before the game so we just walked around. The game lasted about 3+ hours and our youth group attempted to start the wave but no one would cooperate and we failed about 9 times. After we played a couple gamed on the ice, I didn't win anything, after that we got back in the car but one of the boys in my van kept saying "I'm Batman", "Batman doesn't listen to you" and other things I must have threatened to kill him a million times. I had a Monster with me and started to drink it but it tasted like soap, and believe me I know what soap tastes like, getting to the bowling alley we got our shoes and other things and started to bowl, let's say I wasn't the worst or the best. I had my Monster with me and had a plastic cup and poured root beer and Monster together and drank it, it was good. The second game of bowling we played the first round I got a strike! It was cool. We eventually left at about 2:30 am. We got to the big activity place and went in the whole time i was recording things with my kindle cause I was bored but my voice kept cracking cause I yelled to much during the game. I played 9-square, 4-square, beanbag toss, and carpet ball. For the last hour we were there I just sat and dominated everyone in carpet ball, I won almost every time, the bad thing wad how many times I got hurt, the ball hit my finger about 6 times, someone kept throwing the ball and it hit me in the stomach twice, me feet hurt from standing so long, last but not least someone thought it would be smart to put their legs where I had to walk, I tripped over them and fell into the carpet ball table scrapping my knee badly, it still hurts. We left around 5:00 am. Getting in the car was hard cause we had another passenger and they couldn't find the car we were in so I was forced to stand outside in the freezing cold and wave my arms. After in the car some people fell asleep and I was awake the whole time, and that was my Reverb experience.

Random Thoughts and Anything Else My Brain Comes Up With
RandomProbably (most likely) a book that's full of nonsense.