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david p.o.v

i sat on the edge of my roof, looking down at the blank page and pencil sitting in my lap.

i hesitantly picked up the pencil and started to write.

dear liza, i love you so much. your my everything. but im not yours.

everyday, i've watched you through the window, constantly kissing or hanging out with your boyfriend.

you knew i liked you. you friend zoned me so many times, but i still loved you.

i waited for the day you'd finally confess your feelings to me, but it never came.
dear liza, i love you.

to anyone else that reads this, you were probably a blessing or a disgrace in my life. you made life so much better and so much worse.

i folded the paper neatly and put it in my pocket. i adjusted my hat for the last time, and straightened my clothes out. i was so eager to leave and to finally jump.

and i did.

but i wasn't dead

where was i?

i looked around, and all i could see was white. the beeping noises gave me a headache.

i mentally groaned and tried to sit up and open my eyes.

i looked to my left and peered out the tiny window in my hospital room. i saw her. liza.

what was she doing here? i thought to myself.

my mom handed her neatly folded piece of paper and i flinched.

i wish i was just gone.

i felt an arm wrap around me and i heard crying sounds, but i didn't move or show any emotion.


i heard my name being called. but once again, I didn't answer. i just sat up, and looked straight at her. she softly touched my face and choked out

"i'm so so sorry"

i felt my face get red. i am so used to her saying that to me over the years, but now, look what she's done to me by saying it.

she's ruining me but also fixing me

she was my dream girl, but also my nightmare.

heyy guys! long time no see. this one was short and bad, but i have a huge biology test to study for so cya later :) i also might write some backstory to this in the next chapter, or a whole different book, but lemme know if you would like some backstory cuz it's a confusing-ish story without the backstory. ok now byeee

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