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david p.o.v

liza burst into the room beaming like crazy.

"david look!" she yelled with tears in her eyes

I looked up from my computer to see a white object in front of my face. i studied it, and realized it was a positive pregnancy test. a huge smile spread across my face

"i'm gonna be a dad!" i exclaimed

liza hugged me and we shared a sweet kiss. not just any regular one, one full of passion.

i rubbed her belly, and started singing to it.

you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are grey, you'll never know dear, how much i love you. please don't take my sunshine away.

"your gonna have an amazing mama and papa, who will love you so so much." i whispered to the baby.

everything was perfect, until..
there was no more sunshine. in fact, i didn't even know if there was anymore love. i sat on the couch blankly staring at the tv, with liza in her bedroom, which apparently i couldn't sleep there anymore, only on the couch. she was booking a flight to orlando, florida, and going alone. she apparently needed "a good vacation away from people, but especially me."

she blamed me for losing our baby, which crushed me.

i never did anything, which angered me.

i tried to comfort her for the past two months. buying her things, trying to cuddle with her (with her pushing me away), and being so nice to her, treating her like a fragile piece of glass.

but not once has she thanked me.

not once has she said anything to me for the past two months, even though every night i remind her of how i'm always there for her, and how much i love her.

i just wish over and over again, that we can be back together.

how we can rewind and redo

just rewind

Sorry this is so short lol, but hah if you thought i was gonna post a happy fanfic you were wronggg. i don't personally like this one that much, and the next update will be a "meet the writer" segment w me so don't expect an update lol.

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