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*cassie pov*

I see Alex right next to my locker. Picture if perfection. I don't know how he fails to see me though. It could be his dark hair that goes into his face that's blocking his view. It's not that it actually matters though. I've got no remote feelings for a popular kid. He's just there. Yes I agree that he's attractive, but he's just a pretty boy. There's nothing really to him. Except maybe he has a good taste in music. I glance down at his shirt. Yes he definitely does. Blood on the dance floor is legendary no matter what anyone says. They're songs are so sick that I find a humor in it. I literally think I'd marry their music. Yep I'm psycho. I open up my locker, & find an envelop invitation is printed in bold on it. The insides suggest it's more than an invite though. There's a message saying "I've noticed you Cassie." On the inside. Who the hell would put that there. I stare confused at the invite then I do a quick check on how I'm looking. Not bad my dark hair cascades to about shoulder length actually just a bit longer, & bangs frame my face almost perfectly. I give my mirror a cheeky smile,& a wink as I head off to geography. I honestly hate school I can just barely keep average grades. I have pretty much all c's which isn't cool. I have a few b's but never really had an a on my report card. Never really expect to. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket & I pull it out. It's my best friend Alice,& yes she's living in wonder land. Perfect everything. It's a picture of me next to Alex. What the actual hell? Another text buzzes in.

Alice: y'all are hella cute together.

Me: uh no you're nasty

Alice: don't deny it

Me: just get a life,& quit meddling in mine.

It's funny though because my features compliment Alex's fairly well. I guess I could see it. If he wasn't him, or I wasn't me.

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