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Brooke POV:
I look around the small classroom bored out of my mind, the teacher, Mr. Reyes continues to blabber on about musicals. I honestly don't even care unless I get a good grade.I look over to my friend   Alyssa, she's pretty cool, she's dating a really quiet girl named Emma, they both moved to our school together.I wave at her but then notice she's texting someone, probally Emma. Emma sits behind me so I just turn my head around to see.Emma wasn't on her phone just writing down something, I could make out the words 'Note to self, Remind Uncle Barry that its his turn to wash the clothes this month.' Nothing important to me really.I continue to look around and notice that Chloe, who sits in front of me texting someone, I faintly make out the contact name 'Alyssa G.' So Chloe was the one texting her...
I shrug it off and- "Ms. Lohst will you please tell me who wrote the musical 'Hamilton' ?" Reyes asked. Christine Caniglia immediately shot her hand up without any hesitation, dang that girl is crazy. "Uh. Lin Manuel Miranda?" I spit out. "Very good, Now please pay attention" I nodded pretending to pay attention until the bell rang.
I got up and left, ready to go home, but Alyssa walked over to me when we got outside and greeted me. "Brooke hey! I was wondering if you wanted to go to pinkberry with me and Emma!"
"Sure." I shrugged, I don't really have anything better to do."Meet up with you in 20 minutes 'kay? Alyssa said. "M'Kay" I nodded in agreement.

Please leave feedback this story is a work in progress and I will post more chapters asap. (Also Emma and Alyssa are from a musical called 'The Prom' and it is soooo amazing!)

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