A Visit/Business Trip pt. 1

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Ludwig woke up at three in the morning to get everything to the car. Then he spent the next hour trying to get Feli to get up.


"Feli, ve aren't training today, but jou need to get up."


"Jou'll get to see Romano and Antonio."

"Mio big brothers?"


"....VEEEEEEEE!" Feli shot out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready.

Ludwig sighed. "Vhat am I going to vith him?"

-three hours later, after finding out their plane was delayed then finally arriving in Spain-

The 'young' couple walked around the airport aimlessly for a bit until Ludwig got an idea.



"If you were Romano, vhere vould jou be right now?"

"Probably in the café yelling at big brother Spa- er, Antonio."

And speak of the devil, they could hear a distant yell of 'YOU POMODORO BASTARDO!' across the airport. They followed the yells to the café and found quite a sight. Antonio was attempting to keep hold of Romano by hugging him tightly. Why, you may wonder, is unknown.


"Calm down first Lovi!"


The couple walked towards the others.

"Big brother Roma!" Romano stopped struggling and looked down at his younger brother. Antonio set the hot-headed Italian down so he could speak properly.

Feli hugged the older one, causing him to sigh.

"Hola to you too fratello."

"I thought you didn't speak Spanish?" Romano made a face. Toni grinned.

"It rubs off on him."


The two couples found the luggage then drove to the Spaniard's home.

Ludwig and Toni went to a built in office in his house while Feli and Romano chatted in the guest room.

Romano looked at his brother.



"I-a may regret telling the pomodoro bastardo. About you being.. with-a child."

Feli looked up at Romano with worry.


"You-a know how he can be.. a chatterbox as hamburger bastardo would say."

"Like-a how he can say random things?"

"That's-a you fratello. What I'm trying to say is that idiot Spaniard is-a bad at keeping secrets."

Feli took a moment to process what Romano had said.

"Roma.. You don't think he'll tell Luddy by accident, do you."

"Who knows with that idiot."

"That-a really makes me feel better."

The two brothers spent the next hour talking about their country, and secretly worrying about Ludwig finding out. They were currently debating on whether or not to let Alfred have his way and let him open a McDonald's in Italy.

"I don't think we-a should. There's too many carbs in the food. But he keeps asking me."

"I agree with you. I'll just tell the hamburger bastardo to fuck off and forget about it."

They were silent before Feli spoke again.

"I'm afraid he'll leave."

"Fratello, look at me."

Feli did so. Romano took his brother's hands.

"That potato bastard loves you. He-a wouldn't dare leave someone as nice as you. Hell, I'm pretty sure that your are-a the only one that doesn't think if him as a bossy ass hole." Feli gave his brother a look.

"Look, I don't think that he's going to leave you. I think that he's going to say with you, and help you throughout this entire process." Feli hugged Romano tightly.

"Ti amo, fratello."

"Ti amo tanto. And, if he-a were to leave, I'll kick his ass for you." Feli smiled slightly.

"Whatever you say Roma."

"Don't call me that."

The two walked out of the bedroom and immediately stopped. They were met with a shocked Ludwig and a very worried and nervous Antonio.

"Italia? Are jou really going to have a baby?"


Oh look a cliffhanger

And guess what

The next chapter will have Ludwig and Toni

So that means you'll get another one

And so THAT means you'll have to wait a whole chapter to find out

I'm so mean


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