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This is kind of a filler but it's still important
And i kinda also don't really know how to explain things
Letting you know that just in case something doesn't make sense
It's also short af


The two couples now stood in front of the door. This specific door was the one that would lead them into the room in which their kids were contained.

But they couldn't go in yet. They were asking a doctor all sorts of questions first.

"Could you please explain to us how they're alive? I mean I'm gracious, but how is this possible?"

"Well, Mr. Carriedo, we have special technology that allows us to keep them alive. Your kids are currently in these capsules that will allow them to further develop. It's almost like. A recreation of a mother's womb."


"I know it's a lot of information to take in, but that's the best I can explain it for now."

"Can we see them?"

"Well, you can't in person just yet. And I know you have already before, but there are tons of nurses and doctors in the room monitoring them, and it would be hectic. I don't want you four to be overwhelmed. Although, there is a viewing window, if you're okay with that option."

"I'm perfectly fine vith zhat. Ve just vant to see zhem."

The doctor nodded and led them to the window. The four of them gasped. The babies were in some sort of sacks, which were in the clear container units. They were kind of floating around, while also being attached to tubing which kept them alive.

"It's basically like pregnancy, but the babies are in those."

Lovino began eyeing the doctors ID card. The man noticed this and answered the unasked question.

"I know it says surgeon. More specifically, a children's surgeon. I work on kids and babies, and I was called up here on work on them for some reason, though they seem to be perfectly fine. They're healthy and growing well."

"That's good to hear."

He looked back to his daughter. She was just kinda swimming around, if you want to call it that. Lovino smiled, happy to see his daughter healthy and well.

Though it did feel strange for both of the twins to see them like that. They would have rather seen them as a fully developed baby, than as a premature baby.

They still loved them with all their hearts, they just felt it wasn't very fair that their own kids had to be in there, in those.. sacks, rather than in them like they were supposed to be.

The group had stood there for well over an hour, staring fondly at their kids.

The couples were now at peace once again.


Next chapter is gonna start with a time skip, just a warning for ya

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