Good Ol Fashioned Family Time

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*this is short, kinda bad, and also kind of a filler. I Also felt bad for not updating for awhile*

Lovino and Feliciano sat back down on their couch, still holding their children. Their boyfriends sat opposite of them, both smiling.

"What should we do know?" Toni asked.

"Lets just relax. A lot has happened in the past few months."

"I second that."

The two couples walked upstairs and into a nursery. Aurora and Maddelena were gently placed into their cribs, since they had fallen asleep.

Ludwig wrapped his arms around Feli, and Lovino leaned against Toni.

"I already want to hold her again."

"Me too."

The four of them left the nursery and back to the main room. They had a baby monitor on the table to keep an eye on their kids.

"I have an idea. Roma and Feli should sing some more."

Lovino shot his boyfriend a nasty look.



Éspoire est un plât bien trop vite consommé
À sauter les repas, je suis habitué

Toni took out his phone and answered, putting it on speaker.

"Bonjour, mon ami. Please tell our dear friend Gilbert to shut zhe fuck up."

"Why, what did he do?"

"I guess he was a little too clingy and protective, and got punched in the face. I say it served him right. He would not let mon fils cut his own cake, and zhat was zhe final straw for him."

"What's Gil doing now?"

"Whining like un petite bébé. I only wanted to visit to see them and their son, not to babysit Gilbert."

Lovino laughed to himself. Feli lightly smacked his arm. He took Toni's phone out of his hand.

"Francis? Tell Gilbert that Lovi and I said to shut the hell up."

"He heard. He's crying more. He cries more than his own child."

Ludwig sighed in disappoint.

"I zhought zhat VAS his child..."

"Oh my god."

"What happened, amigo?"

"Both Matthieu and Louis have the same look of disappointment. I love this kid even more."

The two couples could here yelling in the background.

"Gilbert! Stop whining!"

"Bah! Blah bab bah bah bah!"

They heard Francis lose his shit.

"He's waving his arms and everything! He's already disappointed in his father."

"Ich auch.." (This means 'me too..')

"I'm surprised our own kids are still asleep."

"They're asleep? I thought they were quietly being disappoint in their Uncle."

Gilbert's whining and bitching stopped.

"What's happening now?"

"Mattie and Gilbert apologized to each other, and now Gil is holding Louis. Louis still looks disappointed, though."

"So does Luddy."

"Well, just wanted to keep you updated. Actually, I mostly wanted to hear something other than Gilbert crying. That's why I called."

"I would have called someone to if Antonio started crying like that."

"Antonio doesn't cry, he just smiles and vaits til someone feels bad."

"No one asked for your input, Potato Muncher."

"According to your dear brother, you've actually admitted to liking potatoes, just a little bit."

All were silent for a few seconds.

"I can't see him but I can tell he wants to kill me."

"Damn right."

"Hey babe!"

"What is it now Gil?"

"Do you have tits now?"

"...Gil, who's holding Louis right now?"

"I passed him to Francis, why- AHHHHH!"

"No offense, Ludwig, but your brother is kinda dumb."

"I know."

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