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Once again, I used Google translate.

The group of four sat in a special room in the hospital. But this time, it was for something positive.

Feliciano and Lovino were silently crying in joy, excited to finally hold their daughters.

Two nurses walked in, pushing in two different baby cart bed things. The two couples gathered around and looked into the beds. The girls looked back up at them with wide, curious eyes.

Feliciano and Lovino carefully picked them up and sat in chairs beside each other.

"Maddelena looks almost exactly like you, fratello."

"Si, but she has Ludwig's hair color, but a little bit darker. I love it. Aurora has your nose."


The brothers continued to babble on about how precious their daughters were as Antonio and Ludwig watched on in bliss. The two had even taken a few pictures.

Ludwig's ringtone blared out, making everyone jump and ruining their moment.

The German sighed in annoyance and answered it.



Feli and Lovino looked down at their kids to make sure they weren't stressed about the sudden yelling coming from the phones speaker.

Maddelena was looking amused and was too busy playing with Ludwig's fingers to be bothered by her uncle's distress.

Aurora, on the other hand, looked rather annoyed. She made a face as they heard Gilbert start screaming in German.

Lovino laughed a bit.

"So come ti senti, mia piccola Aurora."

Aurora starting her little baby talk, which sounded like annoyed ranting. Antonio began taking a video as everyone laughed. They laughed harder as she tried kicking Ludwig's phone out of his hand.

Maddelena babbled on even more, as if agreeing on this action, and kicked the phone for her cousin. The yelling seemed to stop. Ludwig picked up his phone as crying rang out.

"Vhat happened?"

The group could hear Gilbert start laughing a bit.

"Gilbert, are you okay?"

"H- he gave birth.. It's a boy.."

Gilbert began crying and laughing.

"He's a boy!"

Feliciano and Lovino looked at each other and smiled. They could remember how happy they were when they found out about their babies' genders.

"Vhat's his name, bruder?"

"Louis Frederick Beilschmidt.. und uh, sorry for calling, I knew jou vere at zhe hospital vith zhe ozhers.. I just kinda panicked."

"It's alright. I bet I vould have too."

"Hehe. Ja. Vell, I better go, Birdie's trying to get mein attention. Bye."


Ludwig pit his phone back into his pocket. Feli and Lovino were now letting their kids take a look at each other.

The two very young cousins looked baffled.

"They have like the exact same looks you to get when you can't find the gelato stand."



I think that's a decent place to stop

Important, please read this:

I was thinking about the new story I want to write, and realized that I don't think I'd be able to do it

Like, I don't have the motivation, I don't even have half a chapter written.
That, and it would kind of throw me off if that makes sense

Although I am thinking about making a comic. I've always wanted to make a comic, and it'll be focused on Cupid/Eros.

My own little story, made up almost on my own
I get some facts and suggestions from irl friends to help me

If someone else wants the story ideas and book cover for the FACE fam book then I can give it to you. But you gotta stay committed to it please

Thanks for your time, Bai peeps 🐣🐣

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