won-pil » what he does when he sees you

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[ w h a t   h e   d o e s   w h e n
h e   s e e s   y o u . ]

aries » hugs you

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aries » hugs you

taurus » flicks your forehead

gemini » high-five

cancer » pats your head

leo » squeezes your cheeks

virgo » helps you take your bag

libra » pecks your lips

scorpio » takes off his jacket and gives it to you

sagittarius » holds your hand

capricorn » intertwine finger

aquarius » smiles, simply smiles happily

pisces » admires you

thank you for always waiting patiently for my updates, but honestly, i'm starting to feel overwhelmed because my mocks are starting to arrive and then my public exams are coming. i'll try to update more often, xoxo much love

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