t h r e e

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it was twenty minutes passed six o'clock. i had spent the past five hours packing my father and i's clothes as well as showering and fitting in a quick nap.

the buses had finally arrived at the local airport and we had begun checking our bags. it was dark out. it had seemed so much later than it truly was.

i had made my way to the front of the line where i was greeted by an perky woman with bleach blonde hair.

"hello, sweetheart. how can i help you on this fine evening." she sang.

"hi, i'd like to check my bag for flight 3716 to buffalo. my name is dianna o'brien. i am traveling with the minneapolis renegades."

"oh wow. aren't you just a lucky duck!" she giggled. "please place your luggage on the scale and i will get you on your way."

i did as she asked and got away from her as quickly as i could.

once the whole team was finished, we made our way through security and finally, to our gate.

we had to wait about an hour to board so i tried my best to kill time.

"hey, dad, i'm gonna go look at the magazine store we passed earlier. get something for the plane." i stated.

"alone?" he asked.

i furrowed my eyebrows, "i'm seventeen, dad. i think i can manage walking a few feet to buy a magazine."

my father looked at me unconvincingly and cleared his throat.

"marcs!" he shouted. "go with dianna to buy a magazine."

i groaned as kellyn stood up, a smirk plastered on his smug face.

"of course, coach."

kellyn gave me a small nudge as his hand was placed on my lower back. we began walking.

"you know, i know how to walk. you don't have to guide me." i say pushing his arm away from me.

"what do you have against me, o'brien." his deep voice proclaimed.

i ignored him and made my way towards the magazine rack where i began gazing over the covers.

"are you going to answer my question or what?" he leaned against the wall, arms crossed.

"what question?"

i pick up a teen vogue issue and begin skimming through it, refusing to make the slightest bit of eye contact with kellyn.

"what do you have against me?" he whispers pushing himself closer to me.

i lift my head only to realize his face was merely inches from mine.

"i have nothing against you." i gulp.

he rolls his eyes as i check out, leaving him trailing behind.

'passengers of flight 3716 to buffalo, your boarding process has begun. i repeat, passengers of flight 3716 to buffalo, your boarding process has begun. thank you.'

kellyn and i made our way back to the gate where the team along with my father and coach moore stood, waiting in line to board.

"everyone take your ticket." my father began handing out the thin sheets of paper.

he handed me mine as we reached the petite woman scanning the tickets.

soon enough, i boarded the plane and found my seat next to the oval shaped window.

"come on, guys. find your seats." coach moore exclaimed. "i want you all in the seat your ticket says. no switching with anyone, especially after what happened last time, nilsson."

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