I pull the dress over my head, the silky fabric hugging my small frame. Now what to do with my hair? I'd usually just wear it down since it's too complicated to put up, but today I seem to be having a bad hair day.

I comm Elena.

"Hey, hey, hey what's up my friend?"

"How fast could you get here?"

"I could be there in five."

"Okay, great."

And then I hang up.


"Sit still," Elena scolds.

I glare at her. "I'm trying to, but it hurts."

"You were the one who called me over girl, so don't complain nor give me that cold look."

She's got a point. Oh, do I regret asking her for help.

She continues to curl my hair and then pins half of it up.

"Should I do your makeup too?"

"It won't kill me, would it?"

She laughs. "I've done it plenty of times before and you're still here."

I smile sheepishly. "True, but that never means it won't happen..."

"Just be quiet and let me do my work."

"Fine," I sigh, closing my eyes, so she can begin.

It brings me back to the very first time she did my makeup. It was the night of my first date with Hunter. I was extremely nervous and wanted to look my best, which I did thanks to Elena. Hunter couldn't peel his eyes away from me the entire date!

I find my fingers curling around my locket.

"What you got there?"

I open my eyes to see Elena staring at the necklace.

"Um, it's a locket."

"I can see that. Where'd you get it?"

Staring at my reflection, I whisper, "I've been to Hunter's place yesterday and found it in his bedroom. I think he meant to give it to me."

"Can I look at it?"

I hand it to her and she examines it. "It's beautiful," she breathes.

"I know. I just wish Hunter was the one who gave it to me, instead of me finding it."

She places her hand on my knee, her eyes sad. "I understand."

I don't want her to pity me. "Are you done with my makeup?" I then take the locket from her and clasp it once again around my neck.

"Yeah, I should go. I'll see you later." She begins to head for the door.

"Elena?" She glances back at me. "Thanks for everything!"

She smiles. "Anytime." Blowing me a kiss, she walks out of the room, leaving me to complete my last touchups.


Danny looks dashing in a gray suit and red tie to match Sara's deep red dress. They definitely make a beautiful couple.

"Hey there."

I look over the brim of my glass of wine at the guy who spoke. He's tall with brown hair and sparkling hazel eyes. "Um, hey," I say.

"You must be Alice, Danny's sister?"


A smile spreads across his face. "You look exactly like him."

"Thanks." Honestly, I didn't take it as a compliment, but whatever. Eying the odd guy, I take a sip of the way-too-strong wine.

Expose Them, sequel to Release Me (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now