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Black fitted pants or a short floral skirt, now that's the question... Hmm, I slip on the skirt. Next, come my tank and denim jacket.

"You look good," Derek says when I enter the living room, his eyes drawing all of me in.

"Thanks." I blush as I follow him out of our apartment, down the long hallway, and into the elevator--- always glancing back to see if anyone is watching us. 

"You excited?" He asks as we make our way out the revolving glass doors.

I smile excitedly. Positive energy overcoming me. "Yes."
Lately, I have been trying to be more optimistic. To be honest, it feels good to have an open eye and be more positive about things in life instead of always being down and doubting everything. Or at least I'm trying to be more optimistic. Right?

He smiles back. "Good."

We reach the parked cycle and I climb on behind Derek, my arms wrapping around his muscular abdomen, just as he pulls away from the curb, heading along the streets of New York City.


"A bar seriously?" I gape at the large 4D neon orange words reading 'New York's Best Bar'. How original.

"Yup." Derek smiles, leading me through the large opposing door.

The lights are dim, causing my eyes to ache until they adjust. "I don't like to drink."

Derek ignores me, sauntering up to the bartender. "Two Shirly Temples, please."


He flashes it to her and she hands him the drinks.

"Here." He places the triangular glass cup on the table of the booth we're settled in.

I eye it.

He chuckles. "It's not poisoned, I promise." To prove his point he takes a sip of his drink.

I look at the pinkish-red liquid. Sighing, I pick up my glass and take a sip. It's actually quite good--- cool and sweet. I end up finishing the whole thing.

"Ready for the next part of our night?" Derek smiles charmingly, his hand engulfing mine.

"Depends on what it is?"

He leans in and whispers into my ear. "It's a secret."

He then brings me into the game room which is already full of couples playing pool or air hockey.

"Know how to play pool?"

My eyes peel away from the flashing lights above the arcades to look at Derek instead. "No."

"Okay, I guess I'll have to teach you then." He hands me a pool stick while guiding me to the black and green table.

I take in all the colorful balls. "What now?"

He comes up behind me, one hand on the small of my back and the other on mine that's holding the stick. "We play."

"Um, okay."

"See the white ball?" I nod. "We're going to hit it, okay?"

I nod again and he pulls my arm back... but my focus is somewhere else.

"Stop," I say suddenly, my heart quickening.

"What's wrong?" Derek questions.

I step away from him. "Wait here."

"Where are you going?"

Looking back at him, I reply, "The bathrooms. I'll be back shortly."

Miss Jakins is waiting for me there, her eyes dark. It's been a while since the last time I've seen her.

Expose Them, sequel to Release Me (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now