Chapter 23

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Sophia's POV


I just got home from the airport since i told Michele to just drop me off my house. I wasn't really feeling well. I don't know if this is about Austin leaving or something else. I felt something weird hitching in my throat, shit. I covered my mouth and rushed to the bathroom. I kneeled towards the toilet and vomited. 

This can't be happening no no no no

My Parents don't come home till night time so i can still ask for help. Shit. I'm thinking too much, what if it's just because of the cereal i ate or the milk i drank this morning? But then it hit me.


What do i do now?! I can't handle having a child when i'm just 16! What will my family think of me? A slut, irresponsible? Well maybe i was irresonsible but i don't want to disappoint them and make them change the way they think of Austin because it's clearly both our fault.

The only person who can understand is... Crissabel. I stood up from the floor and fixed myself, i washed my face and went out. I put on concealer and i bit of make up so it won't be so obvious that i had been so stressed. I got my phone and dialed her number. 

She picked up after 2 rings. "Sup grulaaa?" she cheerfully said. "Hey Crissabel, are you available? Can you please come over like right now?" I said nervously. "Are you okay?" She asked now in a worried voice. "Can you please just come over? I'll tell you when you get here." I said. "Okay. I'll be there in 5." and with that, she hung up. 

Endless thoughts rushed through my head. What if i was pregnant? How will my family handle it? How will Austin handle it? How will Michele handle it? They're going to be so disappointed in us. But that's the least thing i want to happpen, to disappoint them.

After several minutes of waiting, Crissabel was finally here. She has her own key to my house so she just knocked on the door just to let me know if she's here already then came in. 

"Hey." She said as she sat beside me. "Hi." i said back. "What's the matter?" She said. "I think i might be..." I paused for a couple seconds as i swallowed the lump in my throat, cold sweats formed forehead. "You might be what?" she asked. "Pregnant." I finally managed to say.

She looked at me wide-eyed as if i was crazy. "Say what?" She said still with wide eyes. "You heard me." I said looking at her. "I need your help Cris." "Anything for you." she said as she held my hand. This is what i love about her, she's so genuine, kind, and she's always here for me. And if you're wondering why i didn't call the other girls, i'm not saying that i don't trust them but i'm better off with one person knowing as of now. But i will tell them eventually.

"Can you come to the drugstore with me?" i said to her. "Okay sure. Let's go?" "Let's go." We stopp up from my bed and went downstairs. We went out and i locked the front door. I hopped on the front seat of her car and we went off.


We arrived in the drugstore and we both went to the section where pregnancy tests were. I got 4 of them just in case. After getting what i needed, we headed to the counter. The lady looked at me as if i was crazy. "Bit to young for this huh?" She said raising her eyebrows. "Mind your own business." I said with a tone. She just glared at me. I gave her my payment and as soon as she put it in a small paper bag, we went off.

I was so nervous and i just really want to go home and get this over with. As we were driving home, my palms, my neck and my forhead was sweating because of anxiety. I was tapping my feet against the floor of the car. 

"Chill out Sophia" she said taking a glance at how nervous i am. "But i cant! I said in a shot-whisper if you know what i mean. "We're finally here!" i said. As soon as her car stopped, i got out and ran to the front door. Adrenaline was rushing throughout my body. After struggling with the door, it finally opened. Crissable was following close behind me as we ran towards my room.

"This is it." I whispered to myself as i opened the package. "2 stripes is positive and one is negative. If nothing comes out, try again because it might have a defect." I read the instructions while Crissabel was sitting on my bed. "Go for it Sophia." Crissabel said to me. I nodded and headed to the bathroom. 

My breathings were uneven as i took the test. I have to wait 5 fucking minutes to know the results. i went out of the bathroom with the test in my hands. I was growing more and more and more impatient by the second. After waiting for what seemed like forever, it was finally ready...

Nothing came out. Fucking great. "IT'S BLANK!" I shouted frustrated. "Try again." Crissabel said. I rolled my eyes and went back to the bathroom. Ugh. Once i tried again with a brand new test, i went out and waited again.


Austin's POV

I woke up to the sound of the pilot saying that it was almost time to land. I turn off the music from my phone and rub my eyes.  I slightly streched my body hoping that i wouldnt hit anyone and i sat up straight. I'm so excited! The guy at the record deal has already texted me the name of the hotel and it's like 30 minutes from the airport so this must be good.  

The plane was landing and it was all shaky but i know it's normal.It was actually the fun part if you ask me. The plane finally landed and we all stood up to get our luggage as i exited the plane, my stomach started to growl. Damn i'm hungry. I went to where there were small fastfood chains and i saw Papa John's. Yes. I went in and ordered what i wanted. 

Oh yeah. I forgot to call Sophia. I wonder how she's doing. I got my phone from my pocket and dialed her number. No answer. What? I dialaed it again. Still no answer, well maybe she's sleeping. So i just sent her a text.

Hey babe, just landed. I miss you already! Text me when you get this, i love you 

I also called my mom and she said she already misses me. I miss her too. I texted my friends and hopefully they'll reply later. I chomped on the big slice of pizza and chicken that i ordered, it was so good  and people started look at me. Is it about the way i was eating or do they recognize me? Some girls waved at me and i waved back. Some girls were giggling and jumping which made me laugh.

Finally after i ate, i went out and headed to where i could find some taxis. Until a girl with her friend tapped my shoulder and asked, "Are you Austin Mahone?" I smiled and nodded. "Oh my gosh! Can we please take a picture? And can you also take a picture with me friend? We're huge mahomies!"  She added. "Really? Sure." I smiled and took a picture with her and her friend. "Thanks Austin! Congrats on getting signed, hope to see you again." "You're welcome, and thanls for the supprt." I smiled and waved goodbye. 


Sophia's POV

I was shaking. Me and Crissabel were holding hands as we waited for the results till finally...

Oh. My. God.


OH NoOOooOo! IS SHE PREGNANT OR NOT? OH DAMN! HA I'M GONNA TEASE YOU BECAUSE I CAN. Haha but really though, what do you think? I'm so sorry for the short updates! But i hope you still love me :) Of course you do! Haha I'm kidding. Thank you so much for reading and i just want you to know that i love you if you're reading this :) Help get this story get 100 votes pleaaase! How to get dedicated: Comment something nice about this story and of course, vote! Also, share this story with your friends or on twitter :) It would mean a lot! Okay this is getting boring. Bye! and ily :)


twitter: @slaythatmahone

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