Wo din.. (Those days..)

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Avni was not superstitious. But she felt a foreboding. As if something inauspicious was about to happen. As if something would not go according to expectations.

It had been four days that Neil, her husband and a police officer had been away on official work. For most of the part Avni had been busy with helping out her friend Ali with Chamko cafe, but now she was really missing Neil. 

Avni heard the pitter-patter raindrops outside. It was not monsoons and not supposed to be raining! But she went out to the balcony almost immediately. She loved the rains! 

Looking at the rain, Avni forgot that rain was growing in intensity and continued standing in the balcony. 

She kept on thinking about the day Neil had left for his official work. It was a nice morning and they had had some breakfast in bed made by Neil! He was a mean cook when he wanted to be so and had whipped out some pretty awesome eggs benedict alongwith some bacon, foccacia bread and coffee! Avni had all but attacked the food while Neil looked at her impressed and smirked as she ate ravenously.

Avni had felt his eyes on him and had taken a break from eating - "What Neil? Stop staring at me!"

Neil made a mock expression of shock and said - "What ! Mrs Avni Khanna! So much appreciation for the food and none for the chef?!"

Avni blushed as she kept the half eaten piece of bread back in the plate "Sorry sweetheart! Wo itna tasty tha na!  I forgot to thank you.. OR even to offer you some food from the plate!" (.. it was so tasty !..)

NEil smirked - "Koi baat nahi. Iss naacheez ko apni mallika se ignore ki aadat si ho chuki hai!" (This 'nobody' is used to being ignored by his queen!)

Avni felt worse and screwed up her face in concern. Neil immediately broke into a smile - "Arre I was kidding baby!"

And then he took her half eaten plate and kept it aside and sat on the bed. He then took Avni's hands in his own and then took a piece of bread. He then started feeding the bread to Avni. 

Avni - "mmm.. Neil. I can eat it on my own!"

Neil  - "Ofcourse you can sweetheart! But allow me please. I just love seeing you happy. ", and he winked saying - ''and i also seem to understand what makes you most happy!"

Avni blushed more at this. Neil suddenly felt a gush of love for his wife and hugged her, holding her close to him.

Neil - "Avni tumko pata hai. I feel so lucky. We have gone through so much together that I sometimes forget that it is all over. I want to cherish each of these moments with you. I love you" (..avni do you know..)

Avni  - "And I love you Neil.. ", saying this she kept her head on Neil's broad and strong shoulder, with one of her hands kept on his chest. Neil kissed the top of Avni's head, where her lustrous hair was parted. And then hugged her even more. He felt warm, a feeling that he always got when he held her to him. In this whole big bad world, Avni was the dearest to him, the closest to him now. Even more so than his parents and his grandmom Bebe!

Neil murmured into her hair -" I will always protect you love. nothing that happened in our past will ever be allowed to touch you. nothing..."

Saying this he laid her down on the bed and...

Avni woke up with a start! She had fallen asleep with her hands supporting her chin in the balcony! She also realised she was quite wet! She blushed thinking of what had happened that day before Neil had left..

Avni came inside and took a towel to dry her hair before she caught cold! As she opened the almirah, she saw Neil's white shirt hanging out and smiling took it out. She would wear it today! Only that shirt! That would make her feel her Neil closer to her... She knew he was a long distance away.. in some other city.. solving some crime. But she wanted to imagine him as close as possible to her today!

In sometime Avni was out of the washroom, wearing just that shirt and with her semi wet hair. She went to the bed and lied in it, pulling the sheet over her. She took a pillow and imagined it to be Neil and held it close to her, and then squeezed it even closer.. as if to eliminate all distance between her and Neil by that very act!

All the moments from their past flashed before her. All those times he had loved her, saved her, believed her. Her eyes grew wet with happiness and gratitude. She felt what Neil had felt that day, that she was the luckiest wife in the whole world!

Avni hugged the pillow happily and slept off, dreaming of the day Neil would come back and she would hug him and sleep instead of that pillow. 

Late that night, her bedroom door opened. Neil walked into the room, really tired after a hectic and long trip! But still he tip toed into the room and did not switch on any lights. He did not want to disturb his sleeping wifey!

Neil freshened up and climbed into the bed and turned to finally look at Avni. And what he saw melted his heart.. She was sleeping like a baby ,clutching a pillow as if it were her life. She was wearing his shirt. And from what he could make out, she was wearing only that! And the best thing was, she was smiling softly even in her sleep. She looked the picture of bliss itself...

Neil looked and thought how it was all worth it. All that they had undergone just to come to this day, just to be together and to be able to sleep in each others arms. As slowly as he could, Neil removed her pillow and took its place in Avni's arms. And then looking at her, he also slowly went to sleep.

Next day avni would wake up to the best surprise she had had in days! Neil in her arms!

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