In some other age.. (2/4)

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Neil turned Avni towards him by holding her shoulders.

Neil - "Kya matlab hai tumhara Avni. Do I not care for you haan? You think I am not talking to you by choice? You think I love going to office and working like a mad man day in and day out?" (what do you mean ..)

Avni did not reply anything. She just huffed. Neil was irritated now.

Neil - "Avni. Do you even realise what i am going through at work?!"

Avni replied this time, but she wished she had not as soon as it came out of her mouth - "It is your choice.."

Neil looked up at her dumbfounded and angry.

Avni - "You work because you like it Neil. I do not want to escalate this argument. But it is a fact! You work because you like it! And you married because.."

Neil went grim and tightened his jaw - "Complete your sentence Avni"

Avni - "You married because.. I fooled you into it. There was no choice"

Neil smashed his hand on the table next to them in anger and Avni jumped. She started shivering and Neil felt sorry but he was angry enough not to apologise.

IT was just one of those silly fights. And from then both of them kept their silence! They had not talked to each other in private at all for two days..

Another night went by..

NEil woke up late the next day and then immediately checked the clock and jumped! He was late for office and it was an important day. He needed to check the forensic lab reports on the corpses he had seen the previous day. He then noticed that Avni was not in the bed. He sighed. There was again no time to talk to Avni and try and make it up with her! He was focused on his duty. He postponed the talk to later.

As Neil left the house without having breakfast, third day straight, Avni looked out of the window sadly.

Neil reached his office and DD , his constable and assistant laid out the reports in front of him. Neil went through it with speed and grimaced.

DD - "Kya hua sir?" (what happened)

NEil - "It is just that this killer DD, whoever he is, is very strong. "

DD looked questioningly at his boss. He respected Neil's hold on investigations and his conclusions, but sometimes he could not follow things as speedily as Neil thought about them.

Neil continued - "I mean physical strength DD. Look at the postmortem reports for both the corpses. Their jaws were broken. And it is NOT easy to break a human jaw. I can vouch for that! "

DD looked again at Neil, this time doubtfully. He wondered if Neil had broken some criminal's jaw sometime in the past! Neil went by the book, but he was totally capable of it!

DD looked up to Neil hopefully and said - "What should be our next step sir?"

NEil - "It takes practice! Imagine breaking someone's jaw DD, it needs not just brutal strength but also technique. "

DD - "Sir do you mean to say , our killer is trained in boxing?"

Neil - "might be DD. .It might be boxing.. or something else. We do not know yet. And he has some serious muscles."

AvNeil Addiction: One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now