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I'm running out of ideas...
Cyborg's P.O.V.
I was confused. I was built to protect & defend, wasn't I? Then why am I yelled at when I tried? True, Master may do as he pleased, but must he always abuse the prisoner? I was currently bringing the poor creature his supper. He always looked frightened of something outside the window. Maybe it's in his imagination, I did not see anything threatening. I knocked on the basement door & waited for his response.


"I have brought your supper, is it alright if I come inside?" I don't know why I have to ask, but Master says that I have to. Then he called him a wanker, but I don't know what that means.

"Y-yeah, it's f-fine..."

I opened the door slightly, just to be shoved against the wall. I was momentarily disoriented because I had hit my head extremely hard. I had spilled the food & the singer was gone.
'Why must he always attempt to escape? Wherever would he go?'
I walked around the corridor until I heard something.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?!"

"I-I-I'm s-sorry, Muds!"

"No, you're not sorry! This is the third time you do this!" he paused, "And what the Hell did you do to Cyborg this time? Did you dump water on her again?"

"...no, I slammed the door against her & she wouldn't move..."

"You what?! You better pray you didn't--"

"Excuse me, Master?" I said as I came from around the corner. Both men turned to look at me. Master had the prisoner pinned against the wall & holding him up by his shirt, "Are you in need of my services?"

He looked angry, but I didn't know if it directed towards me or not. He dropped the bluenette & came to check on me. He noted that nothing was wrong with me & ordered me to my charging station. I saluted him, as I was programmed to do, & left to do as commanded. When I was completely charged hours later, I unplugged myself & walked around trying to find my creator. I walked up the stairs & passed in front of his room.

"Ah! M-Muds! Y'said you'd be careful!"

"Shut up!"

"A-ah! Ow!"

I had an urge to go inside & investigate, but I stopped myself. Master probably wouldn't like that very much. He said to only interrupt his work if it was important. But the singer sounded like he was in pain, & he is important, isn't he? 'What kind of work is he doing?'

My curiosity won over the work of my actions & I slowly opened the door a bit & peered inside. I saw them both on the bed, but they were nude. I had no idea what Master was doing to the bluenette, it was honestly the strangest thing I'd ever seen. Their actions confused me, & so did the noises that escaped them both. 'What is that white substance? Did they soil themselves?'

I had enough of being confused, & quietly closed the door. 'Humans are so very strange...'
The weeks passed & eventually I wasn't allowed to lock the singer in his room anymore. Instead, he would accompany my creator every night in his quarters, where sometimes they would continue to make the strange noises. I was confused by this, he was the prisoner, not a guest like some of the other people on the island.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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