Chapitre trois

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So yeah, I thought I would just stop liking people. Until on a certain point in second grade, I was needing attention, needed people to say they liked me, so as young girl who doesn't know what she is doing, I went chatting with people online.

My parents found out and everything stopped. I felt miserable for what I did and how I could have been so stupid. It was my mental breakdown and I got depression for almost a year.

In third grade I decided to finally tell my previous mentor of the second grade about my depression and I just wanted to tell somebody. So the person that helps people with problems at school got involved and she told me to tell my parents within a week or she would do it. I told them the exact same day and everything got a bit better. 

At the moment I only sometimes have breakdowns in which I cry for hours feeling miserable about being such a bad person that can't do anything right. But I know have a lot of people who will support me. People who get me and will give me a shoulder to cry on. And I'm really happy most of the time.

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