Chapitre Un

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I was born, a little baby girl, nobody could have known how much trouble I could have been. Maybe they did know, but parents most of the time don't want to think about this kind of stuff. They just think they got a cute little baby girl that will not grow up that soon. They were right I didn't grow up that soon to be a big girl. I made a lot of mistakes, sometimes they were just cute funny things and sometimes they got mad.

I was born early in spring, like all the other baby animals, but I actually would have liked to be born in October or November or maybe even December. It's because I love autumn and warm chocolate. Like why wouldn't you?! So like, my day of birth wasn't like amazing, I was born I think somewhere in the morning like 8 am, I actually pooped on my mom when I was born. Yeah, first thing I did as a real human being was poop. So I grew up being a little tiny human and I bit my mother while she was breastfeeding, because why not show her already what kind of a clumsy human being I am when I was only a few months old. 

So I grew older, being a little tiny human in kindergarden, I kinda thought my cousin was my boyfriend, just because he was the only guy I thought was nice an stuff. I was a tiny little human, how could I have known what incest was, although I did know that if you married your own cousin you got weird babies and stuff, but yeah. When I was seven I even send him a letter telling him that he was the only guy who could make me laugh. Thinking he was my boyfriend I wrote it on a pink paper with hearts and stuff. So now my cousin just irritates me talking about "The Pink Letter". Then in every grade I just choose the guy I thought was the nicest and decided I loved that guy, in the last grade it was even worse, every day decided I loved another guy. I remembered making a drawing for a guy. In that grade you had to put you drawings in a box, and at the end of the month every would get their drawings back. I as a smart little bean decided I would make a drawing for him and put his name on it, than after all the drawings were given back we all left the classroom while one of his friend asked every girl if they made the drawing, and me being a shy little when he asked me, being the last girl it was asked to, I told him it wasn't mine. I liked that guy for almost 3 grades, then he got in a "relationship" with one of my friends and then he broke up with her. She cried and I hated him from that moment on.

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