Crimson eyes and Azure skies(Sans' perspective)

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((Play the video up top if you want! I just thought it would be a nice touch to this scene!))

What...? H-how?! As if reading my mind, Gaster started to argue.

"That is not possible, Doctor Alphys. No way is that-! No." He took a deep breath and ran down the hall.

"Come, Sans!" He ushered, Alphys trailing behind us.

Stopping at the large screens, Gaster stared at the images displayed before us. He kept mumbling, Finally, the right screen was found and zoomed in to get a better look. The room suddenly went cold and time stopped. There, in a patch of golden flowers, lied a human girl wearing what seemed to be a beaten up jacket. My ...jacket... Dear god... Holy shit... H-how?! Turns out, everyone was thinking the same thing,cause immediately, Gaster started re-codeing the camera, hoping to get it "fully functional" again.

"This...This simply is not...It cannot be-!" His fingers tapped away at the keyboards, sweat on his forehead.

"There is no way that it is a human! The prophecy... It has already been fulfilled! Seven human souls will fall... only one can be freed, or will free us all... The human was already freed! This simply can't be!" he looked back at me.

"Sans?! You freed that human child, correct?!" Before I could answer he continued to talk to himself in reassurance. As soon as the camera re-booted, the same image appeared. That's when Alphys noticed it too...

"Oh my God. S-Sans.. Isn't that..y-your jacket?" She pointed to the blue blurred coat on the screen. It was mine alright. And I know who's wearing it too. As soon as that thought hit me, I darted towards the lab exit. Alphys called behind me, worry drenching itself in her tone.

"S-s-sans?!! Where in the world are you going?!!"

But I didn't stop for her. The last thing heard was Gaster telling Alphys to stay in the lab and watch the cameras while he went to get the king.

((Stop the video if now if you like! All credit for it goes to said Youtuber in it's description))

I ran for a minute or so before I found myself collapsing in waterfall. Nearly tumbling into the river, trying to catch a breath.

"Huff...huff...D-..Damn it all!" I couldn't stop for long. I gotta get there, fast!... If that human is who I think it is.. Then a hunken ass weight'll be lifted off my shoulders. But God damn... I'm outta breath and can't run anymore. Shit! I'm gonna have to take a "shortcut"...

I shut my eyes tight and, without thinking about it a second time, warped to the ruins. A soon as I got there, my phone buzzed off like crazy.

" What is it, Doctor Alphys?..." I answered.

A confused, mesmerized, all together concerned voice echoed over the phone.

"S-sans?! How in the world are you there?! I-i-in The Ruins?! You were just in W-waterfall a second ago!" I groaned at the yellow lizard on the other line...
"Is that all?" I said grumbling.
"Y-yes but..- "

"Then why the hell are ya calling?! Can't you see we are in a bit of a timed situation right now?!"

I snapped.

"N-n-no! I MEAN-- YES! Yes I see that but.. How DID you get there?!" my nerves were shot.

"S'not important. Tell Doctor Gaster to hurry the hell up, will ya?!"

"W-wait, Sans---" I hung up, groaning to myself.

Outta all the stupid things she could've asked, she just HAD to ask me THAT... Shit... I've got a lot of explaining to do once this whole situation blows over. I listened as silence willed the light up caverns of the ruins... Hoping to hear crying if anything. But nothing. Nothing the sound of my heavy breathing. Then there was coughing.

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