Chapter 11

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quote of the day: "nothing's impossible, the word itself spells I'm- possible" 🌙✨

Nobody's POV
Jayden- okay, who wants to go first?
Johnny- i will!
Jayden- okay, truth or dare
Johnny- hm. truth
Jayden- who do you like?
Johnny-  what kind of question is that, obviously my girlfriend. KENZIE!
everyone- laughs
Johnny- okay Hayden you're turn truth or dare?
Hayden- dare
Johnny- i dare you to compliment me
Hayden- okay. you have a amazing friend named Hayden!
Everyone- *laughs*
Hayden- okay.. Jayden truth or dare
Jayden- Dare!
Hayden-  i dare you to eat a spoon full of mustard!
Jayden- ew okay. *does it*
everyone- ew
Jayden- Annie your turn.. truth or dare?

here goes nothing...

Annie- Dare!

oh crap

Jayden- okay, i dare you to kiss your crush in this room. we all have to close our eyes.

please be me , please be me

Annie- ah okay..

i'm nervous. ugh please be me

it's been a sec and she jase gonna done it. it's not me it's not me shit why did we do this!

Annie- *Leans in and kisses me*

okay never mind  i'm freaking out

Annie- everyone open there eyes i'm done.

Everyone- ITS HAYDEN!

Annie- how did you all know?! *blushes*

Jayden- well because i already knew. and plus Johnny has a girlfriend and Carson. who would like Carson

Carson- HEY!!

everyone- laughs

i don't really know what's gonna happen now. i don't want things to be awkward..

"who wants to watch a different movie and actually pay attention?" Jayden asked.
we all laughed

Annie's POV
we are all watching a movie and i get a few texts from our group chat. me mom Hayley and dad.
Mom- goodnight girlies. i love you!😘
Dad- love you guys! night
Hayley- i love you too!
Me- i love you

i get a weather alert notification saying there's going to be a thunderstorm. i start to panic. it's okay. i just need to go to sleep before 2 am.
breathe Annie
just breathe.

"Hayden?!" i whisper waking him up
"woah what time is it?" he asks
"it's thundering out, can you stay up with me?" i ask nervously
he stands up and grabs my hand and leaded me upstairs. we sit on his bed.


"AGHH" i scream and hide under the covers.
"man Annie you're really scared of thunder" he says. he hugs me. tight.

"calm down. you're safe with me" he says while kissing the top of my head lightly.

and then. the first time for a while. i felt safe. really safe.

HEY! thanks for reading this chapter. no they aren't dating YET! but just stay tuned. sorry for the short chapter but i'm pre- writing a lot of chapters right now so when i'm busy i can still post. i'm really bored and have no wifi so i'm probably going to get another chapter done. thanks for reading this one :)

WC: 485

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