proper representation

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I've gotten quite a few comments on 19.5 regarding Susan and how I portrayed her Christianity. A lot of people say "I'm Christian and I'm not like that" or "not all Christians are like".


I fucking know that.

My family is Christian. I was raised in church. I didn't stop going until a year or two ago.

I've been fucking baptized. Because I wanted to be.

I understand not all Christians are like Susan. There's actually a whole separate family of Christians in this story that I never said.

The McClain's. Lance's family is Christian.

I just never got a chance to show that, it never became relevant. But I've known since at least chapter 19 that I wanted the McClain's to be Christian. That concept will be explored in the sequel.

I based Lance's family and Susan off of people in my family.

My paternal grandparents are former youth pastors, go to church every Sunday morning and every Wednesday night. They pray over me every time I visit, its quite annoying. They lecture me at least twice a month now that my dad outed me as bisexual. I never wanted them to know. (I actually never wanted him to know either but my former foster sister overheard me talking about it and outed me to him. It caused a very dangerous environment.) They always tell me I'm straying from the path of god. My grandfather hates me reading/watching Harry Potter because all the witchcraft, it's against god. They're who I based Susan off of.

My mother is extremely laid back and a total liberal. She supports LGBT+, POC, feminism, etc. She thinks everyone should be equal. She also hAtes Trump with a passion, her twitter is dedicated to throwing shade at asshole politicians like him. She believes in ghosts and spirits, wants to meet with a psychic medium to try to contact her dead mother. She reacted to me being bi as if I had told her my favorite color changed from purple to blue. She's also Christian, she has a bible right next to all her lame romance novels that usually involve some sort of affair or other scandals. She doesn't go to church anymore because she got tired of Susan-like mother fuckers. You'd never know she was Christian if you didn't ask. She focuses on being a good person, not bragging about her religion and forcing it on others. She's who I based Lance's family off of.

So yeah.

Stop telling me I'm misrepresenting Christians.

I'm from a Christian family and used to identify as one myself, but now I'm questioning my beliefs.

I know my shit. I've spent my whole life with Susan-like mother fuckers telling me all the shit she tells Keith.

I'm sorry. It just never became relevant in Level Up, it'll play a major role in one chapter of the third book of this series though!

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