It was a cold day to travel in the snow. I was shivering but I had to get to Kyoto honestly I wasn't even close to getting there but I was to far to turn back. I was stuck in the Worling Forest. Starving, freezing, and most of all.......... Lost. I see a light up ahead and I followed it but before I reached the small village I was mugged. I was sliced, cut, and bleeding the muggers took everything I had to leave me to freeze in my own blood.
I hope u guys loved the first episode of Bloodlust I will publish a new episode ever Thursday but I'm uploading this one earlier than normal so I have more time to brainstorm
Next episode Thursday 23rd 8pm
Action(Season 2 Description) Zane and Sora has a new job they have to protect Yokohama as it is a undercover Ghoul hotspot