I woke up this morning and noticed that Sora was gone not that I care it just..... Nevermind that let's just continue I looked around for a bit and I gave up. I go to Lake and stepped in to wash my face I thought I began seeing stuff like soap bubbles. But it was soap bubbles I got out of the lake and walked up stream. Then I walked into Sora she was bathing in the little waterfall... I didn't mean to stare but i did it just happened. Sora then looked around and spotted me "Zane is that you?" I hid in the Bush as fast as I could. She got her skirt and walked up "Zane you know.... You didn't have to hide from staring". Wasn't Staring I. I..wasn't even watching you. I don't like you I was looking for you so you can return to the camp. "Zane you know you liked what you saw" Sora said smiling "No I" I couldn't just stand there so I ran off back to camp. I just hope Sora don't speak of this
(End of episode 4 I think 😂😂)Look ik I wasn't uploading for a bit I lost my book and I freaked out a bit plus my life isn't in the right place right now btw I will upload tomorrow as well so I can fill in my absence keep ur eye open for tomorrow and the future episodes and my Christmas Special/New Years Special!!
Action(Season 2 Description) Zane and Sora has a new job they have to protect Yokohama as it is a undercover Ghoul hotspot