Yes, I know it's been a VERY VERY....VERY long time but it crossed my mind literally in my sleep in the bus on the way home. I upset a lot of you by cutting the series off in Season 2 but with a fresh mind comes better ideas.....I guess 😂. But I'm other words Bloodlust will be back in 2019 no confirmed dates but I will be back uploading soon. Also if your a fan of the Dragon ball series by Akira Toriyama (might have screwed your name srry) go check out my friends series he made called God of Dragons not sure if he even uploads but I'm sure he will when he sees this. Ummm yeah so that pretty much raps it up I'll see you guys and girls in 2019 didn't want to leave you like how I did.
Action(Season 2 Description) Zane and Sora has a new job they have to protect Yokohama as it is a undercover Ghoul hotspot