26: Rejected Soup and Sleeping Under the Covers

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(A/N: ^That smile! He looks so happy.)

(Irresistible Ch. 26: Him, Devil Chicken, And Pink Underwear)

The drive to Mia's its utter torture.

My gut says she's sick but what if there is something else going on. I cam on a bit strong the other night and what if that pushed her to do something with someone else, pushed her towards someone else because she didn't want me?

This isn't good.

She has that guy over doesn't she?

This can't happen.

Meeting Mia in Venice those months ago was not just a fluke. That was the universe pushing to something that was meant to happen. I'll be damned if some other guy Mia.

She's mine... well she's not mine, MIa is her own woman and I respect that but they aren't going to get this connection with her. Mia and I have cooked. She's held me as I "died". We've watched fucking Fifty Shades of Grey together.

If that isn't a solid foundation for a relationship I don't know what is.

Well she did kick you in the balls and tell me to fuck myself on these occasions.

I grip onto the steering wheel making my knuckles white. I need to get there before he gets his grubby hands on–

Calm down.

My mind might be going crazy with the possibilities but Mia isn't with anyone else. I know that I my heart. Something else must be wrong if she canceled.

Hopefully she's just awkward after what happened and if that's the case then I'll just have to reassure her that nothing has changed between us.

Or you could kiss her... go and kiss her. You probably wouldn't be in this mess if you had just kissed your girl sooner Monday night.

Yes. My. Mia.

I mentally slap myself and drive anxiously the rest of the way to her house. I've memorized the way. I could get there with my eyes closed.

Thankfully it's abnormally traffic free this evening so I'm at Mia's in record time and at her door in less than four steps.

Yes I might have jogged to her door... alright alright, I flat out ran.

I ring the doorbell and then abruptly start knocking, patience suddenly a trait a no longer possess.

"Alright! Clam the hell down I'm coming."

Fuck is Monica.

What if Mia is OUT with this dickhead? Then I'd be her weird friend that shows up at her house unannounced after she specifically canceled on me and–

The door swings open and an annoyed looking Monica. Well annoyed for a moment before she realizes it me.

Glad she seems to be on board with my friendship with Mia... even if she sends me mild threats every once in awhile.

"I thought Mia said she couldn't come over?" She smirked, leaning against the doorframe and and crossing her arms.

"Yes, hence why I'm here."

I take a step forward wordlessly signaling that I want to come in but she doesn't move. She's like a brick wall, the high tower I have to climb to get to Rapunzel... Mia, get to Mia.

"Ya but Harry–"

"Is she here?" I blurt, unable to hear Monica's excuse to not let me know where Mia is. "Please tell me she's here because if Mia is out with that jockstrap douche from school I've been thinking about I might just lose it."

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