59: A Very Naughty Christmas Morning

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(A/N: ugh I just want a good cuddle. It dosesn't even have to be with Harry at the moment... the above just looks so warm and sweet. Enjoy only a couple more left.)

(Irresistible Ch. 59: Snowy Morning Pillow Talk)

It's a perfect Christmas day, one of those mornings when you just wake up naturally, you've had your fill of sleep and your body is completely charged up and ready for the day.

This trip hasn't been without its highs and lows but we still ended up exactly where I wished we would. Plus today I finally get to ask her to accompany me on tour. I'm nervous but after these last few days an all the things we've learned and confessed to one another, I'm very sure it will turn out well.

I hold Mia's sleeping body closer to mine, kissing the back of her neck as the rest of my body begins to wake up a bit more.

Last night was pretty great. After days and days of build up after mia's less than graceful proclamation, she finally did and Harry Jr. couldn't have been more satisfied. My release from hand was truly incredible, her trust in me and her determination to get it right turning me on much more than a seasoned woman.

I can't help but smile at the memory.

"You feel nice," I grin against the back of her neck as my girl starts to stir.

"Really? No 'Merry Christmas love'," she attempts to mimic my deep tone, the sound vibrating through her and rubbing the length of my body. "It's our first Christmas morning together and you say I feel nice?"

Excellent point.

I roll over and pull her along with me. "Merry Christmas Mia," I kiss her chin, the only place I can reach with her half on top of me. "My Mia."

"Merry Christmas Harry."

"So how does this compare to your other plan?"

"My other plan?"

"I practically had to beg you to come with me," he says making me chuckle at the thought. "Just wondering who you prefer waking up to, me or Prince," who, I've been told, had a very welcome arrival last night and was smothered in love by mum and Robin.

"You're really going to have to get over your jealousy Harry," She lightly shakes her head at me.

I can't deny it, I am a bit jealous of him if at the very least he got to her first. "I love both the men in my life."

"Way to make me feel special," I tease with a deep pout. I'm a very possessive man even when I'm competing for her time with a four-legged furry creature.

I half expect her to agree with me, tell me Prince is a cute defenseless dog and needs her love and affection more than I do but she surprises me completely when she moves around so she can kiss my forehead and whisper some of the sweetest words I've ever heard. "You're the most special to me, Harry, you know that."

My heart feels like it just grew two sizes.

"Good," I nestle my head onto her chest, relaxing to the soft rhythm of her heart. "Go back to sleep now love."

Before I get too excited and I can't anymore. Harry Jr. is still exhausted but a greedy bastard. He'll ask for more and more without worrying about the consequences.

"Harry, at some point we'll have to leave and join your family."

"We've seen them enough" I close my eyes determined to spend the majority of my Christmas morning right here, resting my head on Mia's warm and perfectly squishy breasts. "And you're way too comfy to lay on for me to leave."

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