Chapter 22: Drama in Youth Group

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The week has gone by really slow. It's only Wednesday. I was sitting in the dinning room at church eating my dinner and sitting with my friends talking and laughing when Pearce came in.

I really didnt want to talk to him so i said bye to my friends and got up. I grabbed my tray and walked out. After i threw my trash away and put my tray up, i walked upstairs into the youth room.

I sat down in the girls youth room and started reading more of 'City of Bones'.

I had read 2 chapters when Justin started calling me.

"Hey Soph."


"Whatcha doin?"

"Nothing really just sitting around waiting for church to start."

"Oh cool."

"Yea i guess... I mean im really bored."

We talked for awhile. I told him how much i miss him like i always did. Just then Pearce stomped in with an angry expression on his face.

"Who are you one the phone with?" He practically yelled.

"Why do you care?" I said coldly. I hung up on Justin because i didnt want him to hear the argument.

"Because i want to make sure your not talking to that fag you call your boyfriend."

"Oh you would know huh?"

"Actually i wouldn't, but i think you would since you hang out with one. Lexi is it?"

That was like a blow to the face. My eyes started stinging with tears. There was regretfulness in his eyes as soon as he realized what he said.

"Sophie, im so sorry. I dont-" I cut him off.

"Save it. Im out of here." I wiped off a tear that fell and stood up. I grabbed my bag and pushed past him.

"Hey Sophie!!! Where are you going?" It was Justin my Youth Minister.

"Home. I dont feel good." I lied. I hoped he would believe it.

"Oh okay well hope you feel better!!!" He handed me a piece of paper. "These are the verses I will be reading tonight."

He gave me a hug and whispered in my ear "Dont listen to Pearce. He says things he doesn't mean when he's upset."

I nodded and pulled back. "Thank you Justin." I pulled out my keys and headed downstairs.

I opened the car door and sat there for awhile just staring ahead, when my friend Canaan came over and knocked on my window.

I rolled it down and he asked, "Where are you going?"



"Pearce is being a jerk. He can't say anything nice to me so im going home. There's no sense in me staying if I dont feel comfortable here."

"Well okay... but I didnt get my hug..."

I laughed and got out of the car. We hugged and he told me bye. I got back in the car and drove off.

When I got home I went straight to my room, not saying anything to my mom or dad. I put on some random song and laid in bed.

My phone vibrated again and i answered it knowing who it was.

"Hey Jay."

"Hey. Why did you hang up earlier?"

"Pearce came in and started yelling at me and I didnt want you to hear..."

"Babe." I could hear the whining in his voice.

"What??" I whined back.

"I wish I was there to cheer you up..."

"I know, me too."

"Well I have to go... I just wanted to check on you. Never lower your head to anyone who criticizes you, your crown can not drop my princess."

I laughed. "Your so corny, but thank you."

He chuckled, "I love you Soph. Bye!"

"Bye. I love you too." I said and he hung up.

I grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.


I got dressed and laid in bed. I still couldn't believe that Peace said that. A tear slid down my cheek.

I checked my phone and i had a text from Justin.


Go outside in the backyard. I have a surprise for you. ;)

I smiled. This kid cant stop making me smile. I walked out of my room carrying my phone in my hand.

I opened the back door to see....


Hey guys!!! Sorry its kinda short but i thought yall wanted a faster update!!! i will be putting LovinLacrosseLife37 in the next chapter FOR SURE this time. I have so many ideas and im starting to figure out how to string them together. Hope all of y'all's moms have a happy Mother's Day tomorrow!!!! love you guys!! Rylee:)

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