Chapter 30: Starbucks

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We had to check out of the hotel by 11 am. We woke up around 9:30 and Justin ordered room service. I got up and started packing.

"Hey babe what are you doing?" Justin said hugging me from behind.

"What your supposed to be doing. Packing."

"Mhmm. Well breakfast is here, so you should take a break." I turned around and kissed him. I was excited for the future. Our future.

"Lets go eat." Justin pulled away and we sat at the small round table by the window.

We ate eggs, bacon, and blueberry pancakes. I drank chocolate milk and Justin had orange juice.

Afterwards, Justin started packing and i was getting all my stuff out of the bathroom. We walked out of the hotel room with packed bags and headed downstairs to checkout.

We got in the car. Justin wanted to drive so Kenny sat in the back.

"Can we go to Starbucks? Please? Pretty please? I would love you forever!!!" I begged

"You already love me though."

"Yes... But i would love you even more if you took me."

He laughed and agreed.


"Yall are so cute!" Kenny said from the back of the SUV.

We both laughed as we reached the Starbucks drive thru.

"What do you want?"

"A White Chocolate mocha please and thank you." I said kissing him on the cheek.

"Kenny would you like something?"

"Just get me a dark roast coffee."

"How may i help you?" the lady asked as we pulled up to the speaker thingy.

"I need a white chocolate mocha, a cinnamon dolce latte and a dark roast coffee."

She repeated the order. "Is that all?"


"Alright pull up to the next window."

"Your the best boyfriend ever."

"I try."

I laughed and we pulled up.

Justin paid with a 20 dollar bill and the lady, not paying attention, took it from him and told us, "Pull up to the next window." We got our drinks and drove off to the airport.

As we got out of the car it was chaos. Girls screaming, camera flashes, paps screaming questions at you like, "Who are you?" "Are you Justins new side hoe?" "How do you feel about him using drugs?"

They bascially called me every bad name. I didnt lose my cool though. I wouldnt in front of them, they would just think they won. Justin pulled me into his side as we all walked through the door. Kenny grabbed our bags

When we got on the plane i sat down in a seat and just stared off into space. I cant believe they would think that about me... I sat there just thinking about everything they said.

Justin came and sat next to me. He took my coffee out of my hands and set both mine and his coffee on the tray table infront of him and he pulled me in and i just sobbed into his chest.

"Shhhh. Its okay. Its all gonna be okay."

I just cried even more.

"Hey look at me." He pulled me up and kept his hands on my shoulders. "You know your not any of those things. You shouldnt worry about them. You just need to keep your head held high. There are going to be a lot of haters out there okay? But you cant let them win. You are stronger than this, i know you are. Dont even worry about my beliebers. They love you. The paps are just guys who are trying to make money off your misery and fake rumors."

I stopped crying because he was right. They are just stupid guys how love to make people feel miserable about themselves. I took a deep breathe.

"Wheres the bathroom?" i asked. I needed to put water on my face, it helps me calm down.

"Its the door on the left, down that hall." Justin told me. I stood up and walked to the bathrrom. I wet a paper towel and just laid it on my face. I kept it there for a few minutes. I took it off and looked in the mirror. My face was still red but it felt cooler. I rubbed the paper towel all over my face and as I was doing this there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" i told them.

Justin walked in and hugged me from behind. "What are you doing?"

"Something my gym teacher taught me to do after my so called best friend left me out in PE when i was in 7th grade." I said and threw the balled up paper towel in the trash and dried my face off on my shirt. I turned around and put my head on his shoulder.

"Aw my poor baby." He said rubbing my back.

We sat down in our seats, and drank our starbucks.


Hey guys!!! Hope yall enjoy this chapter and remember..... JUSTIN IS GONNA BE ON HIS FIRST AWARD SHOW THIS YEAR!!!!! YAY!!!

Enjoy -Rylee

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