Nick POV
I️ didn't know what to think. How could Grace do that to me? She always has to do everything her way because she's just always right. Whatever. I'm done with that. She can do whatever she wants, but she's doing it without me from now on.
"Nick?" I️ heard same say from behind me.
"Nick what's going on? What were you two fighting about?"
"Nothing." I️ replied, the anger inside of me burning up. It seemed as if I️ was about to boil over.
"That sure didn't look like nothing. Grace seemed pretty upset about something."
"Seriously? You're worried about her?" I️ asked knowing that steam was blowing out of my ears
"No Nick I'm worried about the both of you."
"Ya we'll save your worry I'm fine." I️ said as I️ started to head towards the door.
"Nick come on can't we just talk?"
"Sure, I'll talk when you actually care about what I️ have to say." I️ said, then furiously walking out the door.I️ darted straight for home, not looking back on the problems I️ now had. I️ was so mad I️ didn't even notice that I️ had passed Cassie. I️ went into my house and ran straight for my bedroom. What had just happened? Did I️ really just get into a fight with Grace? Were we no longer friends? I️ didn't want to think about it honestly. I️ just wanted to go to bed and hope that when I️ wake up, everything will be back to normal. Me with Courtney, grace and I️ friends, no drama at all... within seconds of lying in my bed, I️ dozed off into a good night sleep.
I️ woke up with a bad feeling in my head. I️ was tired, grumpy and still confused. Was it all a dream? Was I️ still friends with Grace? And Courtney what about me and Courtney? I️ had to get some answers. And some coffee.. I️ need something to keep me sane. I️ got up, got dressed, grabbed my bag, and headed out to find my sanity.
As I️ made my entrance, the first person I️ saw was Grace. She was sitting on the couches, reading... well I️ couldn't see what she was reading, but she seemed pretty into it. And then I️ saw Courtney, sitting at the bar, drinking a latte if I️ had to guess. Just then, Grace looked up from her book, making direct eye contact with me. Her eyes were filled with anger. She quickly grabbed her stuff and started out the door, brushing past me as she left. Ok she looked really mad. But why was she mad at me? She has no right to be mad at me? And that's when Courtney saw me. But her eyes weren't angry, just sad. And she didn't storm out, she just gave me a weak smile. I️ felt awful for what I️ did- or what Grace did actually. I️ needed to make things right.
"Hey Courtney" I️ said in my friendliest and most sympathetic voice.
"Hey Nick" she replied in what seemed to be forced.
"Look Courtney I'm so sorry I️-" I️ started to apologize before I️ was cut off.
"Look Nick, it's ok, I️ get it. You like Grace way more than you like me."
"What? No way Courtney I️ don't like Grace"
"That's not what it looked like" she said unconvinced.
"We're just friends- were just friends actually." I️ corrected myself
"Were? As in your not friends anymore?" She asked.
"Well no, not really. Look she shouldn't have said what she said knowing that you would hear."
"Well it was true wasn't it? You were planning on breaking up with me?"
"I️ mean yes but that want the right time."
"And when would it have ever been the right time?"
"I️-I️ don't know" I️ stammered
"Look Nick I️ don't blame you for what happened. If anything I'm glad it did. Otherwise I️ would've been believing in a false relationship. And I️ mean I️ would've found out eventually."
"I️ know but you should've heard it from me not Grace."
"But were you ever planning on telling me?"
"Yes just not that night..."
"Nick I️ just needed to know. And now that I️ do I'm okay with it really. Besides, it was really all Grace's fault anyway."
"Ya, Graces fault." I️ repeated distantly
"Well I'm glad we've cleared things up, and now we can just be friends right?"
"Right. Ya I'd really like that" I️ said relieved.
"Awesome, well I'll see you at school."
She then got up and left.
How did that go so smoothly? She was just so... calm and okay with everything. But at least she's acting more like a friend than some people. And before I️ let my thoughts consumed me, I️ ordered my coffee, finished it, then headed out for school.

The Nace story continued....
FanfictionThe continued story of Grace Russell and Nick Radford from the hit TV series Good Witch. This is my story following the ending of the previous season 3. Note: this is just a Nick and Grace story. No Sam and Cassie or any of the other story lines.:)