The Phone Call

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Alright so this is my RichiexReader. It goes out to @J3rdy_Tozi3r who requested it. And I will tag greeneyedbookbandit because they helped me come up with a plot line of this book. Honestly we are probably going to be helping each other with all our books, and promoting each other. 😂So please go and check @greeneyedbookbandit out!

You are in the middle of eating breakfast when the phone starts ringing on the wall. "I'll get it!" You call to your Aunt. Hopping up and dropping your dishes off beside the sink you grab the phone off the wall. "Hello y/n speaking." "Y/n?" You hear a recognizable guys voice on the other end and furrow your eyebrows, "Bill?" Silence for a second, then, "y-yeah y/n, it's m-me. I hate to b-b-b-bother you b-but.... I w-w-as m-mapping th-th-the sewer and I think I know wh-wh-where Juh-Juh-Georgie w-wo-ould have ended up." You wait patiently. Bill always had a terrible stutter, worse after Georgie's disappearance. But it never bothered you, you guys grew up together, you are twins. When you would hang out, having fun, sometimes his sitter would fade, barely noticeable. It was only when he hung out with Georgie that his stutter could disappear completely for large amounts of time. You remember the day you left, his stutter was one of the worst, but he wasn't mad. He understood, it was just hard

* time skip to past*

"I'm really, really sorry Bill. It's just, I just, I...." he stops you there with a hug. "I-I-I-I u-u-un-u-nde-e-e-" now it's your turn to cut him off as tears start rolling and you hug him tight. "I'm sorry." You whisper, letting go and picking up your bags. You turn and walk away, getting in your aunt's car, and regretfully, not looking back. You knew that if you looked back, you'd guilt yourself into staying, and you couldn't stay, you just... couldn't. Every time you went anywhere, did anything, somehow it would bring you back to Georgie, and how he was too young. And it hurt, every time. So you drove away, ran away from it....."

*time skip to present*

"Y/n? Y-y-you there?" Bill asks, worried. You shake yourself out of it. You ran away once, you won't run away again. Bill needs you. Not that you don't care about Georgie, it's just that you had a terrible feeling... he isn't still... alive. But you left Bill before. It's time to go home. "Yes. Yes, I want to come home now Bill, I'll get a ride home as soon as possible, I got to go now." Home. You suck in a deep breath. "Auntie?" You walk towards her and she looks at you over her newspaper. "I want to go home." You say boldly.

1/2 an hour later and you're fully packed, everything in the car. You climb in passenger's seat and close your eyes and breathe. You are going... home. It takes about an 40 minutes to drive to Derry, and when passing the welcome sign, it's like an enormous weight of flashbacks. You gasp, choking for air, but quickly recover. Bill is sitting on the steps and waiting when you pull up, and you smile at the sight of him. While your aunt grabs your bags and brings them to the steps, you rush to Bill and hug him tight. He hugs you back and you smile at each other. You turn and hug your aunt goodbye, and after she's out of sight you turn your attention to Bill. "I'm sorry. I just... felt so alone after he was gone. I don't have any friends like yours." You look at your shoes. "I-It's ok y/n, y-y-yu-you are home now. A-and you mean l-loser friends?" "No Bill," you shake your head, "good, there-for-you friends." You smile sadly, feeling bad for leaving all over again. Quickly cheering up so you don't bring down the mood you lightly push him, "alright lemme go put my crap away." After putting everything away and organizing my room it's 11:46. "My bike still in the shed?" You ask, and Bill nods. "L- let's get g-going now."

You let Bill lead the way. When you get to the Standpipe you see Richie, Eddie and Stan already waiting. Even though these weren't "your friends" didn't mean you hadn't hung out a few times. You were just starting to get to know them more and be more comfortable with them until Georgie's disappearance. You all drop your bikes in a heap, except Stan, who actually leans his bike neatly up on his kickstand. As you all go down the hill Stan keeps pointing to random plants, "and that's Poison Ivy, and that, and that."Eddie freaks out, "where?!? Where's the Poison Ivy?!?" You roll your eyes as Bill does. "Nowhere! Not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stan!" Richie says exasperated. As Bill, him and you walk into the Standpipe. Eddie glances around furtively, "K, well, I'm starting to get itchy, and I'm pretty sure this is not sanit-" "Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" Richie interrups, "sometimes, yeah?" Eddie answers. "Then you probably have Crabs!" I shake my head. Eddie glares at Richie, that's so not funny!" Bill rummages around in the water. Richie looks back at Eddie and Stan who are standing just outside. "Aren't you comin' in?" He asks. "Nuh uh!" Eddie shakes his head and gestures to the water, "that's Greywater." Richie stares at Eddie, "What the hell is Greywater?!??" "It's basically..." Eddie takes a breath, "piss and shit so I'm just telling you!" He holds up his hands. "You guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee." Richie picks up a stick and starts to smell it. Eddie looks at him, dumbfounded and you chuckle. "What- are you- are you serious?!?" "Doesn't smell like caća to me señor!" He says in a terrible Mexican accent. Eddie gestures wildly at Richie, "have you ever heard of a staph infection?!!?" Richie holds the stick out threateningly, "I'll show you a staph infection!" Stan rolls his eyes "This is so unsanitary!" Eddie protests. I see Bill pick up something and I walk over to see. "This is literally like swimming inside of a toilet bowl right now!" I hear Eddie in the background. "You're the reason we're in this position right now 'cause-" Guys!" Bill cuts Eddie off and holds up what he found, a dirty sneaker. "Who's sneaker is it?" Asks Eddie. Richie reads the name written on the side and looks up, "it's Betty Ripsoms."

Alright I hope that was ok, I just needed to get it started! Don't forget to check out greeneyedbookbandit!

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