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"Hey guys is that Bowers car?" You ask, pointing to the car. "Yeah, I think it is!" Eddie pedals over and inspects the bike. "And I think this is the homeschooled kids bike right?" "Y-y-yeah..." Bill trails off. We all cluster around the car and bike and then look around. "Do you guys hear that?" Ben asks, cocking his head to the side. We listen and hear a faint yelling down in the Barrens, close to the Standpipe...

Without thinking you run down, smashing aside small branches and shrubbery. There, of the other side of the river, is Henry & his goons. There's big piece of meat laying on the rocks, and Henry is on top of this black kid that looks familiar. Henry is clutching a rock in his hand, and you think he's going to smash the kids head in with it. But Henry heard you coming down and pauses to look at you. Closely following you are Bev, Bill, and Richie. Then Stan, Eddie, and finally Ben. Henry smiles leeringly and gets off the kid on the ground, who's left dazed. "Well well boys!" He chuckles darkly then notices you and Bev standing side by side and raises a mocking eyebrow. "You boys are trying too hard, she'll do you," he motions to Bev, "you just gotta ask nicely," he pulls up on his dick through his jeans, "like I did." Then he looks closer at you. "Y'know, she'd" he looks pointedly at you, "probably do you too." He grins widely again. Ben becomes enraged at this mockery of us and picks up a rock and chucks it, hitting Bowers straight in the forehead. His 'friends' also begin picking up rocks as Mike runs to our side. We also start loading up with ammo as Richie screams across the shallow stream, "ROCK WAR!" And is immediately pounded in the face with a rock. Finally, Bowers goes down and his friends have retreated to the tree line. Richie steps boldly up to the stream and looks Henry dead-on as he fingers him with both hands. "Go blow your dad you mullet-wearing asshole!!" As Henry stalks away you all congratulate each other. You and Richie go to high five each other, see who it is, and slowly lower your hands. You walk over to Bill, "I'm gonna go home right now..." he just nods. Somehow, he understands you need time alone. You walk away in the direction of your bike. You turn back once, and think Richie was watching you, but can't be sure. You exit the Barrens and get on your bike to ride home. You just need some time alone. You aren't mad, just really need think about all... this. Riding home you are so deep in thought, and right before you turn into your house garage you see a whole bunch of red balloons and a ...figure behind them? You don't have much time to think about this because you instinctively swerved, and now you're falling... and crashing down onto hard cement. Looking up nobody and nothing is there. You get up and pick up your bike, examining your now scraped and bleeding elbows. Shaken by this, you drop off your bike in the garage and walk up to your room. You consider this, could this be... this... clown they were talking about? Shivering, you walk into the bathroom and apply pressure with toilet paper to your wounds to stop the bleeding. When the blood is cleaned up you walk into your room and sit on your bed. You just sit there, thinking, then finally get up to go find paper and a pencil. Upon finding them you also grab a book and climb back onto your bed. You begin doodling, using the book as a surface to draw on. Time whizzes by as you draw. When you stop to look at what you've drawn it's a whole bunch of hearts and people holding hands. There's also a person that looks like Richie, but clearly it is not a good drawing of him. You know that's what you were drawing too, and there are little hearts, swirls and stars around the face. That's not all, there's also fancy writing that reads y/n Tozier, hearts with y/d (your initials) and RT. You growl quietly and rip it up, shredding it to pieces. You throw the strips like confetti on the floor and sit frowning on your bed. "Shit." You mutter, and shake your head. You realize that whatever your feelings were, you're happy you got them out. And shredded them to pieces. You fall backwards on your bed. You suddenly hear screaming in the garage and jolt up, jumping off the bed and running downstairs. You run to the closed garage door, jumping a pile of bikes and bang against it, definitely hearing screams. "Hello?!" You cry, getting down on your hands and knees, and try to pull the garage door up from the outside. Suddenly it lifts up on its own and you are greeted with a the terrified faces of the Loser Club, plus the homeschooled kid. The guys are clustered around the garage door and Bev is pressed up against the wall across the room. You look sadly at Bill, "I saw It." Beverly walks over and hugs you hard. "It's ok." She whispers. "We're ok." The boys gather over too until it's one big group hug. You lean your head of Beverlys shoulder, and she leans on top of your head. You guys stay that way for a long time, and when everyone begins to break apart you all seem to think you've had enough crazy for one day. You all ride your bikes out to the homeschooled kids house, who is named Mike. Then you methodically ride along back to yours and Bills house, taking detours to ensure everyone makes it home safely. Once it's just you and Bill, you can head home. You look over at Bill, who seems to be lost in thought. "Bill?" You ask and he quickly glances at you, "Bill are, are we going to die?" You ask meekly. "I, I don't want to die Billy." Bill merely purses his lips. "I-I don't know y/n. I d-don't know." With that we ride home in silence, you considering how brave he is considering how he's barely stuttering. Later that night you are tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable, but you can't, it's... it's scary. Grabbing your blanket and pillow you sneak out of your room and make it to Bills room. You aren't ashamed, neither do you consider yourself a baby. There's a child-eating clown in Derry goddammit and there's no way you want to be alone!
You push the door open a crack and see Bill pacing. You push it open more and stand in the doorway. "Bill?" He jumps. "Y/n? W-w-what a-are you doing?" "Sleeping in here?" You say hopefully. He just nods. You don't bother to ask why he was pacing, just set up your stuff beside his bed and fall asleep. In the morning, you wake up to Bill gone. 'Don't panic, he's probably just eating breakfast.' You tell yourself, not wanting to get worked up about anything. As you trod into the kitchen you see Bill talking on the phone with his back turned. It's like an immense weight has been lifted off your chest. Grabbing an apple, you walk past him and sit at the table as he hangs up. You look around and assume your parents have already gone to work. "Who was that? You ask Bill. "J-just Richie." He answers simply. "He w-w-wants to meet up in the Buh-buh-Barrens today." He takes a bite of his breakfast.

Alright thanks to everyone who reads this!!!! I hope you are enjoying it! I think the next chapter will be very dramatic....
Don't forget if there's a fanfic you want written don't hesitate to request, or vote!
I can do any suggestions I get.
My last request of you is that you check out  greeneyedbookbanditplease!!!!! She can write really well in expressing emotions and she has a great dramatic flair. Please check her out, she will write any emotion you request!! She also helps me all the time with ideas, so go and check her out please!!!!!!

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