Chapter 5 - The book

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The demon world, mostly red, dark orange, and occasionally some shades of purple. Not the greatest place, but it's either this or purgatory. No one wants purgatory.
You'd be lucky to have a house that's actually not completely broken.
Tord was one of those lucky ones.
Houses were made out of old bricks. Only colours; dark red or black.
Tord's house was red.

His house didn't exactly have everything intact. Most of his windows were broken, or just not there at all. Some bricks missing here and there. Almost everything was broken.
Once you walk in, there's nothing interesting. It's a very small house and you could pretty much see everything. To the right, the kitchen. Though he never had anything in it. It also seemed to be a red ish orange colour. To the left, two doors right next to each other. One was the bathroom, the other his room. Then in the middle, was a sofa, facing the opposite wall. Which had a cracked window. Then beside the window, was a book self. Filled with dusty books.

As soon as Tord got home, he instantly went to the book shelf. He scanned the book names for something about angels. Then he found it, Angels, Weaknesses and Strengths. "Why do I have this, again?" He paused for a moment. "Oh yeah, someone gave this to me. But who was it? Eh, it doesn't matter." Tord grabbed the book and blew the dust off of it. He opened the old book and sat down on the couch.

Chapter 1
Angels' strengths

Being a demon, you would think you'd over power a angel, right? Wrong. They are more powerful than you think.

They like to be merciful, so they don't use their full strength that often. But if angered (which rarely happens, so good for you if you made one mad) don't expect them to be so nice.

Here are their abilities;
-Wings can become sharp as a sword
-Erase your memory and or replace them
-Depending on what kind of angel they are, they can control certain things, ex; the wind
-They can make you see things (very powerful angel ability)

First thing you don't want to do when you're faced with a angry angel,
never get cut by their wings.
Though they don't look that sharp, it will hurt. It also has a 60% of destroying your soul if cut deep enough. But don't worry, I'm sure there's a demon that you know that's good with potions! If not, then I guess you're gone.

"Wow, great advice, book"

Second thing, don't let them touch your head. Don't even let them touch you first. You're a demon, they can't stand you. Their powers will weaken if you keep ahold of them. Hey, you might even kill kill them. Good luck, you'll need it.

Third thing, if you start seeing things you know aren't real, get out of there!
Who knows what happens if you don't.

"Gee book, thanks for the spooky sentence!" Tord said sarcastically.
He turned a few pages ahead. "Now tell me how kill one!" He realized what he said. "I mean... tell me how to kill one, so I don't kill one! There, that sounds better." He was silent for a moment then facepalmed. "It was correct the first time, Tord! Are you even a demon?" He just sighed and continued reading.

Chapter 5
How to kill them

Now that you know what you know from the last few chapters, now it's time to learn how to kill them.

Tord hesitated before continuing. "Do I really need to know?"

There's potions that will weaken them, but not kill them. (potions page 148) There is still research being done with potions to kill them.
First things first, throw or make them drink one of these potions, then they will slowly become weaker and weaker. Also try to get ahold of their wings, you know what happens if you touch their wings. (Do thing before their wings become sharp)

"Wait... what happens when we touch their wings? Is it the black feather thing? How can that kill them?"

Once more than half of their feathers are black, they will no longer fly. That way, it'll be easier to get them from above.

"Oh no..." Tord thought for a moment, a bit worried "Did I do that to Edd?" He closed the book. "Why am I worried? It was only one feather! Plus he's an angel! Angels are stupid... with their stupid soft green wings... and their sparkly eyes- what am I saying? Get it together, Tord!"

Edd was in his room, writing in his journal. He has a desk where he likes to do his art stuff. He wrote,
I met a demon today! His name is Tord. Who knew that would've happen, huh? I have to keep an eye on him for a few days, but I don't care. He's enjoyable to be around! I honestly expected demons to be meaner. Oh yeah, I also helped a human, too! I think his name was Tom. Humans are so adorable. -In a kitten way, though.
Can't wait until I see Tord again.

There was a light knock on his door. Edd quickly closed and hid his journal, then spun around facing the door. "Come in!" He yelled through the door. Matt opened the door. "Hey. Uh, I was wondering if you were with that demon again." "Tord? Oh, no... like I said, I was watching the sunset." Edd spun back around facing his desk. "I won't get mad if you were, I was just wondering. As long as you're not getting hurt, I'm okay with it. So, we're you?" Matt asked again.
"...yeah... but he's not like what you'd expect from a demon." Edd said
Then Matt mumbled under his breath, "Yeah, sure..."
Edd looked back at him, "What was that?" "Oh, nothing... I'll let you get back to your art." Then Matt left the room.

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