Chapter 13 His fault

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If I could tell you what Tord was thinking, I would. But It was just a jumble of memories and thoughts. It was a mix of memories and thoughts of the present Tord and the past one. All he knew was that, he needed money, this is why he's doing this. He was told not to, but he did it anyway.

"We're almost there" Pat said

"This town is really small, why is it taking so long?" Pau asked slightly annoyed.


There was no response.

While Tord looked out the window, he could see all the buildings pass by. He soon started to forget he was a memory. For a split second, he thought he saw the arcade but he wasn't sure.

Pat broke the silence, "If we die, at least we went down in this town's history" he tried to lighten the mood but it didn't really work.

"Matt! It isn't working!" Edd said in a worrying tone, Tord still passed out on the couch. Edd was sitting next to the unconscious Tord, Matt on the floor.

"Give it a minute"

"What if I'M hurt- WE'RE hurting him?! What if he's disappearing forever?" Edd was now in panic mode "I already lost him once and I'm not loosing him again!"

"It'll work, don't worry" Said Matt trying to calm Edd down.

"...I feel really bad..." Edd said said out of the blue.

"Why is that?" Matt still wasn't too sure what was happening with Edd and Tord. He still wanted to know why Edd was crying before Tord came.

"What if that was the last time I got to talk to him? I blew it, didn't I? I could've stayed with him, but I didn't." Tears went down Edd's face, how many times must he cry today?

"Edd, he'll be fine" Matt said in a reassuring tone "heh, you are so emotional sometimes..." He tried to lighten the mood. It didn't work too well.

"Well, after you Tord. Since it was your idea in the first place" Pau said sourly "Why couldn't we just went with my plan, again?"

"Because yours sucked" Tord said leaving the car with the black bag and mask on.

Pau looked at Tord angrily. "It didn't suck" Both Pau and Pat got out also.

"Then why aren't we doing what you're doing? Tord said in response.

Pat then said, "He has a point"

"Shut up" Pau snapped.

Edd sat impatiently, rocking side to side.

"I think we should send him to the ground" Matt said out of the blue

Edd was going to question it, but Matt was right, they should. The reason he passed out might be because of all the angels in the area. "Yeah..." Edd said in sadness. He stood up and looked down at Tord, nothing unusual for a demon. "How are we going to carry him without anyone noticing?" Edd asked.

"Hmm..." Matt thought. "Bingo!" A cat came down the stairs and rubbed against Edd.

"Matt said, 'Bingo' not 'Ringo'!" Edd explained to the cat, it meowed in response and kept rubbing itself on Edd's legs. He picked the cat up and looked at Matt, "What's your idea?"

"This might be the stupidest thing I've done in my afterlife but, it just might work"

"None of you move!" Tord yelled out pointing the gun at the towns people. Pat and Pau right behind him. The people screamed but stayed put, shaking in fear. Tord looked at Pau, "Get the money"

"Right" He went to get the money.

"Everyone sit down with their hands on their head!" Pat yelled out, the people slowly complied. There was some whispers in the background.

"No, Will-" One whisper said.

"But Tom-!" Another one.

Tord glanced over at the two whispering people. It looked like two brothers. Judging by the whispers, one was named Will and the other Tom.

"I can do it Tom!"

"You can't!"

"Watch me!" The little brother, Will, got up and started to run toward Tord. Without hesitation shot the boy in the stomach. Will fell to the ground, the crowd gasped.

"Heh, funny to think that this little boy thought that he had a chance against me? He didn't even have a weapon" Tord chuckled to himself, while the bigger brother was in tears.

"No!" Tom ran over to the boy "You monster!"

"Do you want to be shot next?" Tord pointed the gun to Tom. The people around were in shock, unsure of what to do.

"T-tom..." Will muttered out "I-I'm s-sorry..."

"No no! It's okay! You're going to get through this" Tom held Will in his arms, blood dripping onto the floor. Tord just watched.

"It h-hurts..." Will grasped his wound, tears falling out of his eyes.

"I..." Tom was unsure of what to say. He just hugged his brother, until he felt that his brother was no longer hugging back. "Will?" Will's body went limp, his arms fell from his brother's back to the ground. Eyes with no soul stared at Tom, as the last tear fell.

If you listened hard enough, you could hear quiet sobs within the crowd of people. Tord didn't care, it didn't matter to him.

"What the hell, man?!" Someone yelled in the crowd.

"You killed a child!" Someone else yelled. Soon, there was a roar of yells, some of them got up. Tord just shot at the ceiling a few times and stopped some of them. The ones that didn't stop, were shot. Tord didn't care where, he just shot where ever at them.

"Next person to yell something out gets a shot in the head" Tord stated. He thought everything settled down, but what he didn't notice was that someone was calling the police in that riot.

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