Chapter 11 Painful goodbyes

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The angel flew home with a waterfall of tears going down his face. He wished he wasn't crying, but he was, he wished things were different, he wished Tord wasn't a demon, he wished many things.
But most of all, he wished for a happy ending.

Though, those only belong in fairytales. Don't they?

Angels and demons, never meant to meet nor gain a friendship. But yet they did, they had more than that, didn't they? Much like a story of Romero and Juliette, but you can't die again if you're an angel. Unless your soul disappears but that won't make the two be together, will it?

Edd quickly went into the house and flew into his room. Hopping he wouldn't have to deal with Matt. Matt didn't want them together, this is what he wanted. He believed that Tord was only trying to trick them all.
Edd didn't believe that.

But now it's done, what can he do? He really did want to be with Tord, but he couldn't.

As the tears dried, Edd opened up his notebook, he looked through the pages of the story of him and Tord he once wanted to stay in forever.
He wanted to give it a happy ending, though it would be a lie.

Why did he ditch Tord like that? He didn't want to, but he did. He couldn't have stayed with his demon friend even if he wanted to.

Back when Tord was asleep

Looks like Tord feel asleep... Edd said to himself in his head. I don't blame him, I would be pretty tried too if my body just got turned into a mortal and filled with wounds. The angel looked at the fast asleep demon-mortal-thing. Not knowing that he was having a very weird dream.

Edd wrapped a wing around Tord, since it was getting kind of windy.

He looked at Tord once more He looks a lot less... rude looking- when he's asleep. That probably didn't make any sense but I know what I mean! I'm talking to myself in my head so of course I know what I'm talking about! Maybe.

Then suddenly, a dark figure came swooping down in front of Edd.
It felt like the ground shook as it landed. As soon as it did, Edd started to feel sick.
It was Tom.

"T-Tom! What are you..." Edd quickly stood up with his wings spread. Just in case he needed to attack.

"I'm guessing Tord told you about our little deal, right?" Tom's bat wings folded up behind him, he stood there like a normal person. Completely comfortable, unlike Edd.

"Why are you asking?" Edd stood his ground.

"Well, since I have his powers, I can do what he can do..." Tom paused and started walking towards Edd. "Which means I have the same effects on you as he did." Edd felt the sickness go through him. He wanted to lay down, but he knew that he couldn't.

"And? W-well.. what's your point?"

"There's a possibility I can make you disappear" Tom smiled, he had something up his sleeve. "Yet, you wouldn't want that, would you?"

"Why would you do th-that? All I've ever done was to be nice to you!" Edd started to feel weak, this wasn't good.

"I don't want to, but I have to. If I want to get back at him" Tom pushed Edd's wing aside to reveal Tord, still fast asleep (damnit Tord).
Edd stumbled for a moment.

"Why? What did he do?" Edd questioned. He knew that Tord tormented Tom for a bit before they met, but what else has he done?

Tom snapped his head toward Edd, making him jump. "You want to know? Well, five years ago, in a town called Town Town, there was a kid and his older brother. They soon entered a bank and a few moments later a man with a big black bag comes in and opens the bag. He soon reveals a gun. The man wasn't alone of course, there were about two others" Tom paused and sighed "The younger brother tried to be a hero, watched too many hero movies..." He laughed to himself before it became sour. "But the man didn't tolerate heros. So know what he did?" Edd sat there in silence, not knowing what to say. "He shot him with no hesitation. Right through the skull and the blood splattered onto the brothers face" Edd was shocked, how terrible.

"I'm pretty sure you've caught on by now who the big brother was" Tom paused once more before saying, "Tord killed my brother, and not too long after he got shot by the cops. But that wasn't enough for me, I wanted to make him feel was I felt. Loss, sadness, anger. And you're my solution" Tom smiled at the thought of Tord in pain as he once was. Edd was so shocked, Tom seemed like a normal nice guy. He didn't think so anymore.

"Tom I'm... sorry... but you don't have to do this! You can just wait and... you'll see your brother one day..." Edd suggested, Tom didn't like it though.

"I can't just sit around and wait, Edd..." Tom spat out with anger.

"Then... maybe I could find him and I'll bring him here! I bet I'd be able to find him in the angel world! Please Tom, revenge isn't the answer!"

"I'm doing this my way now. Revenge is my way of fixing things"

"It won't fix anything! What would your brother think of you right now?"

Tom was about to say something, but decided not to. He paused for a bit. "You don't know how he'd feel..." He finally said. "No more trying to convince me otherwise, Edd! I'm going to make Tord feel a lot of pain... now Edd, if you don't want you and Tord to suffer, I suggest you leave."

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"Never see him again. End everything. That'll sure make him hurt. So then I might leave him like that..." Edd complicated of what to do. He wasn't sure. "But if you stay..." Tom continued "Things will be a lot more difficult... for you, at least"

After a few moments of silence, Edd finally said, "F-fine... just promise not to hurt him after this" Edd felt himself tearing up

"Can't promise anything" Tom laughed as if this was some sick joke. "I may or not be back" Tom's wings unfolded and he flew away.

Edd slowly sat back down with Tord, still feeling sick. He wrapped a wing around Tord knowing this might be the last time he gets to feel it.

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