Karma is one of the most active and avid things of our lives. Not only is it within all of us to produce karma, but it is within everything that we do. However, Karma comes in many different shapes, ways, and sizes. Some will have karma flung right back at them after they did something. For example, have you ever ignored someone to pull out your phone and someone else does it to you? Have you ever ignored someone, then tried texting someone you desire and they don't text you back? Have you ever cried about how horrible your life is, but never looked back to see what you have personally done to deserve something bad happen to you? That is form of run-around Karma. To simply fling back an annoying thing you have done, back onto you. Of course, since there is more than just bad karma, it is safe to say that run-around karma wont always come back to hit you. Sometimes it will come back bringing gifts.
Another form of karma, is what I like to call unidentifiable karma. It is the state in which, it cannot be truly categorized or determined how much karma you will do unto yourself. This karma can come into your life in a variety of ways, that are usually not in the form you dished it out in. Perhaps you just talked a bunch of shit to someone to make them feel low about themselves, then say, your parents ground you. Well you see, this is all karma straying off one thing or another. Another idea of how this karma can possibly come into your life, is you will do an abundance of harsh and rude things to people, then one night it all comes to hit you and sends you into a far worse depression than you could ever imagine. Well, that is an accumulation of karma that isn't exactly quantifiable. From my personal experience as well, this karma will sometimes nullify the effects of someone else's karma that is directly intertwined with yours. Say someone does something harsh to you, but you just committed murder on a man of innocence. Perhaps the karma they receive will be far worse than what you've experienced. This is because it is in direct relation to you.
We miss a very important point in karma which is, karma will still come for you, when you try to do its job. Karma will do pain onto someone that has hurt you regardless of what you do however, just because you believe someone to get away with something they have done that is "evil" and you feel that your personally responsible that you should take away something from them, you only add karma to yourself. Some miss this point drastically that karma will still hurt you, if you hurt someone who has wronged you. In fact, I know hundreds of people who miss this point far beyond their grasp because they believe they can serve karma. I do not disregard the idea however, that karma will help you in your endeavor of "justice." For example, if someone pushes you first, they you push them back and they fall, I believe that to be a gift from karma itself.