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~Zodia's POV~

They all grew silent at the question. Ignis was the first to shatter the quiet atmosphere. "Once we reach that bridge, we'll cross it." I nod and we continue forward. The heat resonating around us was causing Noctis to whine. "The hell's with the heat?"

"As we climb, so does the temperature," Ignis remarks.

"I'm no geologist, but I'm pretty sure this is a volcano. Hey! What are the chances of it erupting while we're here?" Prompto puzzled.

"Bright side-you won't suffer long if it does," Gladio replies. Prompto let out a small whimper at the thought. He makes his way over to me, gently tapping on my shoulder. I glance at him while Ignis still held my hand. "What is it, Prom?"

"You wouldn't happen to know an ice spell that could cool us down, would you?"

"I can form an ice sphere and hand it to you if you'd like."

"Please?" He begs with his hands together. Ignis lets go of my hand so I could perform my spell. Summoning my staff, I make an ice sphere big enough to fit in Prompto's hands. He gladly takes it and sighs in content at the cold object. "This. Is. Perfect. Thank you, Zo!"

"No problem. It'll melt soon, but it should last for a few hours."

Prompto smiles while messing with the sphere. He seems more happier to have the ice than when he watches Chocobos. A huff of laughter comes from me as I watch him and Noctis pass the ice sphere back and forth to cool down.

As our trek dragged on, we found a haven on the volcano. I was completely shocked to see a camping ground this high up and in such a dangerous location. "I'm exhausted," Prompto huffs.

"Wanna make camp?" Noctis asked.

"What?! Right here?!" Prompto hollers.

"Where else do you see a camping site?" Gladio asked with crossed arms. Groaning, the blonde gives in and plops down on the ground. Our stop only lasted for an hour before we pushed forward. The narrow, rocky path led us to an open area with a huge nest.

"Please tell me the thing that made this isn't going to come back while we're here," Prompto whimpers.

"We're fine. The Zu flew off a few days ago to hunt. We'll be gone before her return," I reassure. The cameraman sighs in relief at my words. While searching for the royal tomb, I was able to spot a familiar ancient door. Without thinking, I ran over to the door and carefully took off my pendant. When I looked over my shoulder, I was immediately greeted by a familiar form.

"W-when did you..." My voice trails off. A faint smile crept onto Ignis' face as he glanced down at me with his gleaming emerald eyes. "My dear, you are not as sneaky as you think." Completely embarrassed, I hid my face in my hands and turned to face the ancient ruins.

After a few seconds of silence, two arms wrapped around my body and pulled me back. A small gasp of shock left my lips at the sudden touch. My head tapped Ignis' chest as he tightened his hold on me. I was completely appalled at the sudden affection. Ignis wasn't one to randomly hug or kiss my cheek. The sudden closeness meant he was worried about something.

"Ignis, what's wrong?" I ask gently. He took a deep breath before spilling the truth. "Every moment you're not by my side is agonizing." The worry in his voice clear as day. Turning around in his embrace, I wrap my arms around him. "I know you're worried every time I enter the ruins. But, this is something I must do."

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