Chapter 1:Gone Girl

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Author's Note: This is the Season 2 of "I Fell in love with a Ghost" (Min Yoongi FF)
Please read the first season or else you won't understand anything. Don't ruin it for yourself.

(The smell of the freshly baked Lima beans and ham was making my stomach ache with hunger, as I inhaled the delicious aroma of it in the kitchen. To pull it all off, I'll cut some tomato and spread it all over the plate. Yoonji would love to have this as lunch. She always did....well...a very long time ago that is...)

(I take the knife and start to cut the tomatoes when the phone started to ring. I put it on speaker and continued to chop up the vegetables)

(Y/N): So finally you decided to call me...

Jiwoo: Oh come on Unnie don't be like that...

(Y/N): Oh's fine. Girl becomes a famous journalist and forgets all Abt her best friend. It's understandable.

Jiwoo: How could I forget you Unnie? I was just...busy..

(Y/N): So much that you couldn't even give me a call or even text for the last six months?

Jiwoo: Unnie...sorry....but I have news!!

(Y/N): Hm?

Jiwoo: So..don't freak out but...I'm getting married...

(I almost cut off my finger when I heard that)

(Y/N): WHAT?!

Jiwoo: Why do you sound so surprised?

(Y/N): I were..the "take him and leave him" kind of girl....

Jiwoo: I'm not anything what you think I am Unnie -_-
But yes, I am getting married...and he is an officer! Ain't that cool? I met him at a crime scene for which I had to write an article about

(Y/N): Whoa whoa...slow down..I'm...

Jiwoo: I know don't worry. I'll tell you everything... tomorrow. CAUSE I'M COMING BACK HOME!

(Y/N): Really!??

Jiwoo: Surprise!! Haha yeah..So can u come and pick us up from the airport tomorrow at around 2:00 pm?

(Y/N): "Us"?

Jiwoo: Yeah.. me and Kai

(Y/N): He'll be here?? He'll stay here??

Jiwoo: You don't mind do you?

(Y/N): it''s fine

Jiwoo: Okay thanks Unnie!! I'll see you soon!!! Byeee!!

(Y/N): Bye...

(I turn off the phone and look down.)

(I was not expecting that from Jiwoo)

(I look out the window and see Yoonji on a bike holding a guy from the back. She gets off happily and kisses him on the cheek. The boy has some tattoos and looks like one of those people u should never let your daughter be around with)

(She enters the house quickly and goes straight to her room)

(Y/N): You could've said "I'm home!"

Yoonji: If you saw me then why the hell do you want me to say it?

(Y/N): Yoonji...

(She drops her bag on the floor, takes a jacket and starts to walk out the door again while she fixed her hair)

(Y/N): Where are you going?

Yoonji: Out

(Y/N): When will you return?

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