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I wake up at the next day and I brush my teeth , wearing my clothes and go to the stupid college. "Good morning sunshine" Luke said that

"Good morning" and we go to the hall spending boring time with that professor and I'm thanking god that he finished after that we go to eat some food but the strange thing that Luke take me with him to set with his group and I can't beleive they have a lot of tattoos. "Hi guys this is Andy my new friend " Luke said and they look at me I take a set next to Luke and they say hi to me and saying them names they are 2 girls and 5 boys. Ok cool that I meet new friends after 5 minutes Harry join to us I don't know why I stare at him like that way. "Hi guys , and hi Andy" Harry say that , wait how did he know my name I didn't tell him my name yesterday. "Hi" I just said that and he glare at me I was little scare from him , but any way I shouldn't scare from him cause he won't do any thing to me. "Guys Zayn have a party today so all of your will come right ?" Ashton said that , I look away cause I'm not them friend.

"Of course we all going there" Niall said that.

"Andy you will come with us right ?" Luke said that

"Erm , no I'm not "I say than Harry look at me and say " Andy you should come and see how our parties are good". What !!! Parties oh they do many parties!!

"No it is okay " I say

"As you like ,guys today I have to do a lot of shit with Kelly at the party" Harry said that.

"Yeah you always do this shits with a lot of girls Harry " Luke said

"Yep cause I'm Harry and this what I always do " Harry said

Why he do this why he treat girls like a cheap things !!!

I stand up and decide to leave them but Luke couch my wrist and stop me "where you going ?" Luke said

" To the house "

" Ok , but please you should come to this party please Andy"

"Luke I don't know , I will see I mean I will tell my mom first"

"Ok but when you get ready call me to I pick you there "


I get back to the house and I start thinking to go to that party with Luke. after minuets Luke call me :

"I will pick you at 8 so be ready" Luke said

" Ok , but I didn't say I will come with you to this party"

"Come on please Andy just this time and if you like the party we can do it again and go to many parties together , what do you think?"

"Ok Luke I will be ready at 8 "


I hang up the phone and go to my mom to tell her about the party "ok go but don't late " my mom said that. And now I have to find some clothes I stand in my closet and didn't know what to wear ok I won't wear a dress so I take I skinny jeans with tight shirt and I put little of make up and now I'm ready just waiting for Luke to come and pick me withen minuets my phone ringing it was Luke " hey , I'm down so hurry up"

"Ok "I hang up the phone and say good bye to my mom I get out from the house to find Luke "hi " I say

"Hi , wow you look so beautiful " Luke said

"Thanks , so now can we go and finish early cause my mom said I should come back early "

"Ok , I will try to back you early" we go to the party and withen minutes Luke disappeared, perfect now I'm gonna stay alone. "Hi , you look amazing today" I turn to find Niall , oh thank god that Niall is here "thanks " and he start to leave me alone I said "Niall can you stay with me cause Luke left me here and I didn't see him "

"Ok I will stay with you " cool now Niall will stay with me so I shouldn't be scare we set and he give me some of soda but he take a beer and that's the worst thing cause he will get drank "Andy I have to go to the restroom" Niall said

"Ok take your time " than he disappeared.

"Hi ,I think you said you won't come with us" Harry said that

"Well Luke tell me to come with him "

"Uhm, and now he drank and mess with a girl up stair" I didn't know what to do or what to say if he messing with another girl why he bring me here from the first place , I don't love him as a boyfriend but he doing the wrong thing here and I should to find a way to get out from here. Harry set next to me and he bring a girl to set on his lap I think that's Kelly the girl he said her name today and they were kissing each others I didn't give them my attention until Niall get back and he was completly drank and also Luke. Cool now I'm going to be late I have the bad luck in the whole world I stand up and talk to Luke " Luke I should go "

"No baby you won't go now I mean the fun didn't start yet"

"Luke that's the last party I will come into it"

"Come with me to my room to start the fun" Harry said that

"Never , go to your girl " I said

" My girl !! No she's not , and by the way every girl wish to stay with me at the same room but you I don't know what's your fucking problem"

"You said that the girls not Andy" I said

"Any way what that makes you think I will have sex with you I mean you are the last girl I will think to have sex with her" Harry said , and my mouth fall open how he could say that to me he is rude , I was know that since I met him "you shouldn't be rude Harry" I said with a shaky voice

"Now you teach me how to speak with people !!"

"Not that ,you know what just leave me " I said and I need to go to the house I can't stand Harry any more , Harry didn't leave me so I have to go to find Luke or Niall to take me to the house or I will cry now , finly I find Luke " Luke please take me home please" I beg to him

"Please just stay Andy " Luke said that so I have to leave him now to find Niall or go out to find a taxi. when I'm on my way to find Niall I find Harry and he catch my wrist" Harry please let me go " I said

" No you won't go to any place" Harry said

"Harry I will scream if you won't let me go "

" Oh baby this party not for children to Scream " Harry said and I swear I will cry now "please Harry please" I said and tears become

"Harry leave the girl what's wrong with you and get down there Kelly waiting for you " Zayn said that and I feel comfert when he come

"Don't worry he won't hurt you" Zayn said that

" I hope that , I need to go out from here Zayn"

"Why ? You didn't like my party !?"

"Not like that but I really should go"

"Ok I will tell Liam to take you to your house "

"Thank you so much Zayn"

So do you think she will love Harry ?

(Hi guys I need your comments for the story ) XD

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