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Nag nag nag.

It's all y/n ever does anymore.

As much as she's my best friend, she's also like my mother.

Always telling me she wants nothing but the best for me, as if I wasn't okay right now.

I am okay.

I've never been better.

Letting the thought slip from my mind, I make my way home to my small one bedroom apartment.

As soon as I get inside I go to my room and sit down on the edge of my bed.

Glancing around I notice how sad I really was here.

It was boring and plain.

I was all by myself and I didn't even have friends, not really.

Y/n never even came over for fucks sake.

It seemed that people had given up on me just because they think I've changed.

I'm the same as I've always been, I'm just better now.

How could someone who likes to have fun not have any friends?

It sounded ridiculous to me.

I groan and lean back on my bed.

Maybe I should go out and find a girl.

Having someone around seemed like a good idea and it most definitely sounded fun if you know what I mean.

I sit up, make myself presentable, then I go out.

You know what they say, yolo bitch.

(If y/n were here she would tell me in a low voice; "nobody says that.")

"I don't see why you're still friends with him, y/n. He's not a good person..at least not anymore." My friend Jimin says, pushing back his soft blonde hair.

"You don't see him how I do. You guys may think he's a lost cause but I see right through him. Deep down I know he's the same ol Jungkook I've always known." I say, trying to convince myself.

"You're still in love with him, aren't you?" Jimin asks in a soft yet knowing tone.

I don't say anything.

I wasn't going to deny it but I wasn't going to openly admit it either.

"You know you're only going to get hurt." He sighs.

"I can't get hurt if I pretend I don't care." I mumble under my breath.

"You know that's not true."

And I did.

I knew that better than anyone and yet I still chose to love him anyway.

"He doesn't care about anybody but himself. He's proved that to all of us." Jimin says in an exhausted voice.

"Can we please just stop talking about this." I say as I turn around so that I'm facing my door.

"How will he ever change when no one believes he can." I mumble.

I knew Jimin had heard me but he doesn't say a single word.

Leaving Jimin to be alone with what I had said, I make my way out to my kitchen.

Just as I'm about to get a glass of water I hear my doorknob jiggle and then the door swings open.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I see Jungkook walk in.

"You have other friends, right?" He asks, ignoring my question but making it obvious that he'd say why with the answer.

"Of course I do." I shoot back, a little offended.

"Can you give me some numbers of some of your girl friends?" He asks as he plops down on my couch, kicking his feet up onto the table.

I glare down at him then let out a sigh.

"Why?" I ask.

"I'm bored." He replies short and simple.

Before I can answer, Jimin walks into the living room.

He looks from Jungkook then to me with a questioning look.

"Long time no see." Jungkook says upon noticing him.

All Jimin does is nods.

"Are you leaving?" I ask.

"Yeah, I have some things I have to do. I'll see you tomorrow though, okay?" Jimin asks and I smile and give a small nod.

I happily wave as Jimin heads out.

"So, the numbers?" Jungkook says, staring up at me with a dull expression.

"I have a better idea." I say.

"What could be better then playing with some babes?" Jungkook asks as if nothing else in this world could be better than what he had in mind.

"Let's hang out." I say, a smile spreading from ear to ear.

"Why would I do that?" He asks.

"Oh hush. Come on." I say and before he can object I begin to drag him out of my apartment.

If he didn't want to hang out with me, that's exactly what we would do.

No if's, and's, or but's about it.

I'm gonna make this little bitch have fun.

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