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I don't want to jinx it or anything but things seemed to be going great.

I have good grades in school, I have an awesome best friend, And I'm dating the guy I had been in love with for years.

Everything is perfect.

"Y/n, are you coming?" Jimin asks, sliding out of the seat beside me and standing.

"Yeah." I smile up at him as I gather my things and follow him out.

As we get outside I hear someone call my name then arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey baby."

It was Jungkook.

Jimin shifts from one foot to the other awkwardly but doesn't say anything.

"Hey." I smile as I turn around in his arms but in spite of Jimin I don't make any attempts to kiss him.

"Are you going somewhere?" Jungkook asks as he glances from me to Jimin.

"Yeah. We're going to check out that new book store." I say as I move out of his arms and smile up at Jimin.

"Alright, have fun. Let's hang out tonight." Jungkook says as he moves forward, kisses me, then waves goodbye, eyeing Jimin as he goes.

"He still doesn't like me even though he already got you, huh?" Jimin asks.

"Let's just go." I laugh as I link arms with Jimin and pull him along with me.
When we get to the bookstore Jimin separates from me in search of a certain book.

I carefully graze the books, looking for nothing in particular.

After what seemed like forever, Jimin had finally found the new book.

"I'm so excited to read this." He grins as he swings the bag back and forth.

"You're such a nerd." I say and he looks my way and speaks.

"Yeah but I'm a cute nerd."

I laugh and nod.

"Yes you are." I say and he smiles triumphantly.

"Do you really have to leave already? You spend everyday with Jungkook." Jimin frowns.

Before I speak I take in Jimin's expression.

He was frowning and his eyes had a glint of sadness shining within them.

"I guess I don't have to leave yet.." I say, giving in to his puppy dog look.

"Yay! Let's go get some food!" Jimin says and without even giving me time to reply he pulls me along after him.

Deep down, I felt a bit sorry for Jimin.

Sure I looked at him as my best friend and it seems as if things are going well but still, I know how he feels about me.

I know that he's in love with me and I understand what it feels like to love someone while they love someone else.

It's hell.

Jimin says he's okay with me being with Jungkook and with just being friends but I just can't shake this guilty feeling I feel whenever I look at him.

"What's with that face?" Jimin asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing." I say, flashing a smile so he would be convinced.

He wasn't.

"Y/n." He says.

"Really, it's okay." I smile as I pat him on the back and head into the small restaurant we had went to.

Maybe I should bring it up to him..but not now.

I don't want to upset him and I most definitely don't want to hurt him..

So what am I supposed to do?

I watched y/n as she ever so slowly took a sip of her drink.

I could tell something was on her mind but she kept insisting there wasn't.

Girls truly are confusing.

"What?" Y/n asks and I shake my head.

"Well it had to be something or you wouldn't be mad staring. Got a problem, bro?" Y/n asks.

"It's nothing, y/n." I laugh, waving my hands out in front of me.

"Okay, if you insist." She says and smiles.

Her smile sends waves of electricity through my body.

I couldn't even begin to explain how badly I wanted to lean across the table and grab her hand, kiss her, tell her how beautiful she is, tell her how much I love her..

Something like that.

If only she had chose me instead of Jungkook...

Even though she's with him and I know I don't stand a chance I just can't let go.

I won't push my feelings onto her but instead I'll just love her from afar..

Just as I always have.

I love her today, I'll love her tomorrow, and thirty years from now..

I'll still love her.


A/n: So today was the first day of the tri and my journalism class is already getting crazy. He already had us pick topics and already assigned a deadline. Me being me though I finished my story already 😂 *dabs* anyways, I just wanted to let you in on that little part of my life. I hope you guys had an amazing day and just remember that I love you !! 💕

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