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When Jungkook and I arrive where I had planned on bringing him I take in his expression.

It seemed as if he was trying really hard to remember why the place seemed so familiar.

That or he was constipated.

"Why are we here?" He finally asks.

"It's nice isn't it? We use to come here all the time when we first moved to Seoul." I smile as I sit down first.

"Why? This doesn't seem like any fun." He scoffs.

"You use to love it."

Jungkook looks around for a moment, then to my surprise, he sits down beside me.

No one says anything as we look out at the blueish green water moving slowly along the stream.

"I guess it is pretty nice." Jungkook says and I look over at him to see a small smile on his lips.

I smile too and lean my head towards the sky.

This was the first time I had seen Jungkook genuinely smile in years.

It was a beautiful sight.

Suddenly, his phone rings.

He snaps out of whatever trance he was in and takes his phone out of his pocket, clicking the answer button.

"Uh huh. Yeah. Cool. I'll be over in five." He says with a smirk on his lips.

He hangs up his phone and slips it into his pocket.

"Sorry man. Gotta go show these hoes some love." Jungkook says then hops up and jogs away.

Just when I thought I was getting somewhere I lost him again.

Not only that but he was doing what he always did.

Sleeping with girl after girl and not giving a fuck whether they fall in love with him or not.

Trust me, loving him isn't easy. Not in this period of time.

I let out a sigh and stare back down at the water.

Maybe he never will change.

Maybe Jimin is right.

Jungkook only cares about himself.

He doesn't care about anyone else around him and he couldn't care less if he has friends that care for him or not.

Everything was truly one sided.
When I finally find the courage to stand I make my way to the nearest convenience store.

Living on my own and trying to make it through my senior year of college was beyond stressful.

Everyday I was pushing myself to get decent grades on top of trying to help make sure Jungkook doesn't fail his classes.

It seems like everything I do revolves around him but he couldn't care less about what's going on in my world.

Shaking the thought, I grab a couple snacks and drinks then make my way back to my apartment.

Walking around was peaceful so I never felt the need to get a car.

Besides, it's not like I had places to go anyway.

The only time I ever left Seoul was when Jungkook and I would occasionally go to Busan to see our parents.

Aside from that I was always here.

It had its ups and downs but for the most part, I was on my own.

When I finally arrive back home I put my things away then head for my room.

It seemed like the day had dragged out and tomorrow was back to the stressful classrooms filled with lots of extremely hard work.

I shake the thought away and lay back in my bed.

Knowing it would take forever to fall asleep, I laid awake thinking of how Jungkook was before all of this had happened.

I think back on the days when Jungkook was Jungkook, my best friend.

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