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After the phone call with y/n disconnects I set my phone down and stare blankly in front of me.

My phone dinged again with a message of notes.

There was also a text under it that read "study."

I shake my head and set the phone down once again.

Y/n was always trying her hardest to get me to study and pass my classes.

There was a small part of me that wanted to pass and go somewhere in life but most of me just didn't care anymore.

Everyone had given up on me and even y/n would eventually.

I finally let the thought slip my mind as I stand and head out of the house.
With music blasting in my ears and the wind brushing through my hair I slowly but surely made my way to the nearest shop.

I would need to eat eventually and being where I am at this point in my life it seemed even harder to get things done.

I didn't even have a job for crying out loud.

After everything that happened I just gave up all together.

I'm just living day by day hoping to finally find that little shed of light and happiness I once had.

Once I enter the store I hear a laugher that could only belong to the same girl I had known all of my life.

I poke my head around the corner only to find y/n and Jimin sitting at the window seat, bowls of ramen in front of them as they laughed about whatever was said prior to me popping up.

"Honestly, y/n." Jimin sighs.

That's when I see an empty bottle of Soju and a half empty one right beside it.

Y/n was laying her head down on the table and Jimin was closer then I would have expected him to be.

"Today was the day I was finally going to tell you how I feel.." Jimin whispers.

My eyes widen in shock as those words spill from his mouth.

"Idiot." I hear y/n mumble ever so slightly.

"I know." Jimin chuckles and stands.

"Let's get you home." He then says as he helps y/n up.

I move quickly so I won't be spotted.

When they're out of sight I stand up and let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding in.

So Jimin likes y/n huh...

I didn't see that coming.

I mean sure she's cute, and caring..and she's funny sometimes, but I don't see why he likes her of all people.

Shaking my head, I pay for my things and make my way back home for another long night of being emo all by myself.

Waking up the next morning I felt the pain and dizziness first.

"Fuck. Got too turnt." I mumble as I grab my head and hiss at the pounding of my brain against my skull.

I would have to go to school today even with this horrible hangover.

Sighing, I stand up and get ready for an extremely long day.
"How are you feeling?" Jimin asks, joining my side.

"Like shit." I say and he laughs.

"I'm sorry I didn't stop you. You seemed stressed and I figured you could use the time to just let loose." Jimin says.

"Thank you for that but now I wish you would have stopped me. My head hurts like a bitch." I whine.

I truly wasn't looking forward to sitting in class.

Just as Jimin and I are about to head to class I feel as arm wrap around my shoulder, jerking me backwards.

I glance upwards and my eyes widen as I see Jungkook at my side.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in complete shock.

"Just felt like it." He starts.

"Plus things are just getting interesting." He says as he glances over at Jimin with a look I didn't understand.

"Are you actually going to stay and pass your classes now?" I ask as I slip out from under his leather jacket covered arm and over to Jimin's side.

"I guess I am." Is all he says before walking away from us.

"What was that all about?" I ask.

The look on Jimin's face was not one I was expecting.

He looked confused and even a bit angry?

I shake off the feeling and drag Jimin along with me to class.

Time to face this long day head on.

"Today was the day I was finally going to tell you how I feel.." I whisper as I glance down at y/n who had her head down on the table with her eyes half shut.

She had gotten drunk and was basically half asleep at this point.

"Idiot." She mumbles.

From the corner of my eye I catch sight of a very familiar face.


"I know." I chuckle as I stand.

"Let's get you home." I then say as I help y/n up and walk her out, leaving Jungkook to take in what I had just said moments before.

He now knew that I had feelings for y/n and honestly, I have no idea what he would do with the information.

I'm not even sure he cared.
The next day at school I met up with y/n who looked as beautiful as the first day I met her.

I had liked y/n ever since our first year of college and I'm glad I met her because having her in my life makes me happier then I ever was before.

Just as we're about to head to class someone grabs y/n and yanks her backwards.

To my surprise, I see Jungkook standing there (in a black leather jacket with a white tee shirt under it and black ripped skinny jeans.

Of course he was wearing a pair of black timberlands to match his outfit too.)

He looked how he always did.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n asks, her eyes wide in shock.

"Just felt like it." He says with the same cocky smile on his lips.

"Plus things are just getting interesting." He says as he glances over at me with a look that screamed:

"I know your secret and I'm going to use it to my advantage."

"Are you actually going to stay and pass your classes now?" Y/n asks as she moves out from under his arm and over to my side.

"I guess I am." Is all he says before he walks away.

I stand there in shock at what he had said.

Then I feel myself becoming angry.

He didn't give a fuck about anything that had to do with us until now.

Why all of a sudden was he so interested in being here at school.

What was he up to?

And why?

A/n: I finally presented my project and I feel great. It was like a rush of adrenaline talking to others about writing and all of the great things about it. My best friend and I, along with one other person, were the only people that got our full 500 points. I'm proud of myself and I'm glad I pushed myself to do it even my anxiety was killing me. / Monday and Tuesday I have end of the tri exams and then that next Monday we start second tri. I'm super excited bcuz I have a journalism class so I'm overly ecstatic about that !!! I'm going to try my best to write a least five or six chapters of this story today !! I might even be able to finish it. I hope you guys are enjoying it bcuz I know I am. ❤️ thank you for reading and my stories and for supporting me in what I love to do. ❤️

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