New Greenie

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All Maze Runner characters belong to James Dashner expect (Y/N) which is mine


I woke up in this weird box that seems to be moving up.

"(Y/N)" That is the only thing I can remember because everything else is blurry I assume that is your name. Suddenly the weird box stop I hide while trying to find something sharp to protect myself with as I found something sharp the weird box starts to open. I look up only to see a bunch of boys there seem to be about 15 guys but I can't be sure because it's hard to see from where I am hiding

"Where is the shucking greeine?" One of the guys asks. 'Greenie? Who is that?' I think

"I think The Creators forgot to put a greenie in!" Says another guy."Who the heck are The Creators?' I think to myself.

"I will go and check!" Says one of the guys with dirty blond hair with a accent that I have to admit is cute. I feel someone get into the weird box. I take my sharp tool and hold it higher. I feel the guy searching around trying to find the thing that they call a greenie. I was so caught up with my thoughts I didn't realize that the guy who had jumped in saw me.

"Wow"says the dirty blond guy while running his hand through his hair.

"What is down there Newt?" Says a guy with dark skin. I assume the guy that jumped down is Newt.

"Come and see for yourself!" Says Newt staring at the guy with dark skin. As soon as Newt finishes saying his sentence the guy jumps in the box. The guy sees me.

"Wow" says the guy just like Newt

"So what's down there Alby?" Asks a guy

"It's a shucking girl!" Alby shouts so all the guys can hear him.

"What?!" Says one guy and mutters start everywhere.

"Shut up shuck-faces if you don't want to get thrown over the cliff!" Alby shouts. All of the boys shut up.

"Hello there greenie. Don't worry we won't hurt you." Says Newt in a calm manner.

"Where am I?' I say lifting my sharp tool. I try and not show fear.

"Wow calm down greenie." Alby says. I forgot Alby was here. I point my tool towards him making him raise his hand in the air.

"Do you want to get out?" Newt asks. I nod my head yes.

"Ok here let me help you." Newt says gesturing to the rope that he climbed down I stand up.

"I don't need help." I say while pushing Newt out of the way and start climbing the weird box until I get outside. All of the boys look at me in aw. I wonder why. I look down at my clothes and see I am wearing a white shirt with jeans and black combat boots. I look at my hands and see that I wearing gloves but they don't cover my fingers only my palms I think they are called fingerless gloves.

"Wow greenie some skills you have." Alby says while helping Newt up from the floor of the box.

"Yeah sorry Newt!" I say while looking at Newt.

"It's ok greenie." Newt says while brushing himself off.

"By the way what is a greenie?" I ask

"Oh a greenie is what we call a newbie." Says some guy.

"Thanks." I say while trying to find the guy who said it.

"Well. It's been a long night let's get some sleep." Says Alby and I start following the other guys but get pulled back.

"You are sleeping in my room tonight. We will set up your hammock tomorrow." Says Newt.

"Ok" I say while following Newt.

We enter this weird building that I haven't been told the name of yet. I follow Newt to some stairs and climb the stairs and arrive to a hallway.

"This is my room," Newt tells me pointing to a door on my left "I will take the floor and you take the bed. Good that?"

"Sure." I say while entering his room. He grabs some extra blankets and pillows and makes a bed for himself on the floor.

"Well good night greenie!" Newt says while closing his eyes.

"Yeah night!" I say before feeling sleep taking me away.


Hey this is my first fanfiction so I am sorry if it's not what you thought it would be. If you find something that need improving just tell me privately and I will try my best to fix it. Thanks.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2017 ⏰

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