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I jerked my head back and smirked,unconvinced."What?"

She sighed."I know,I know....why haven't I told you this before? It's just I was too depressed,I've been going through it.Its something about this year though.I feel like this is the year"

"Jadah,what the fuck? Have they been sliding you some pills or something?" I asked.

Her mouth dropped in shock."No! Do I sound that crazy?"

I nodded my head slowly with one of me eyebrows raised."Kinda,yeah"

She chuckled and slid her hand down her face.She looked at me and shook her head."How's the family?"


"Yeah,you know what I mean.Raisin? Jr?" She said rolling her eyes at Raisins name.

Raisin turned out to be indeed pregnant,she gave me my first boy;Jayceon Jr.

Me and Raisin are NOT together.Just co-parenting.I rather wait to be with Jadah,but she doesn't know that.

"Jayceon is fine,Raisin? I don't know and I really don't give a fuck.All she does is drop my son off and keep going.Like I want her to" I said checking the time on my Rolex,5 minutes left to our visit.

"It's about to be that time Ms.Dolas" a guard said walking past.Jadah nodded her head,and looked down.

"She's in Pennsylvania,I don't know what city,My lawyer is trying to get me out of here early.No telling....please just try?" She asked.

"Look at me" I said sternly.She looked up,Her eyes were a little glossy.

"I got you"



"Bitch imma dog!"

"Roof!" William finished,slapping my head.I turned in my seat and reached to the backseat,where he was siting,and punched him on his shoulder.

"Stop playing with me!" I yelled.

My mom turned the music down."Keep playing and y'all gone be on the street,walking in This hot ass sun!"

I looked back at William and smirked,We bursted out laughing.

"Y'all think ima joke?" She asked.

"No" we both said in sync.

"Damn" I mumbled.

"What?" She asked.

I put my elbow on the door and rested my head on my fist.I looked at my 'mom' and furrowed my eyebrows.

Of course I know this women not my mom,My mom was gorgeous.I mean Samantha,which is her name,is ok looking but compared to my real mom? Tuh.

I was told that my mom,dad,and sister died.How? That,I was never told.

"What you looking at me like that for?" She asked.I shook my head and looked down at my phone.I replied to my streaks on Snapchat.

A text fork William came in.

Willy🤢❤:you coo?

I been told William about Samantha not being my real mother.Shit he even knew it too because I didn't come out of her womb at the age of 6.

He knows how easily I get angry when she talk to me a certain way.Sometimes it can be the most pointless things and I'll snap.I have anger issues and all this built up anger I have inside ain't helping.

I replied saying yea,and went to Instagram.

While scrolling down my feed I seen a picture of Rakim and his daughter on his babymoms Page.

The caption read:family time.

I scrunched my nose up and ran my tongue over my top row of teeth.

Don't get me wrong.Rakims daughter is beautiful,and her mom is pretty too.But sometimes I feel like she do petty stuff to piss me off.

Some people may ask."why you following her"

I have the answer to that.Me and her been following each other before her and Rakim had their baby.I wasn't about to unfollow her because it ain't no reason too,we don't have no beef.

I turned my phone off and leaned back in my seat.I looked up and sighed.

My birthday is coming up and I do the regular every year.Cry myself to sleep,and when I wake up I act like everything is A-Ok.

My birthday is supposed to be shared with my Twin,not by myself.It doesn't feel the same.Some people hate having to share birthday parties,but I don't.Thats only because I haven't gotten the chance to get tired of sharing my born day.

William is the only person I express my emotions and what I'm feeling to.Even though he not my real brother we have a connection as thick as Blood.

I don't hang with too many girls,and I damn sure don't trust too many.Only because they fake,and they switch-ups.

You can't trust anyone these days.



"I'm home!" I yelled walking into the house,I say my shopping bags down by the front door and took my Rihanna Fenty slides,leaving them by the door as well.

"What the he-'s just you" My grandma Gibs said with her hand over her chest.

"Hey grandma" I gave her a kiss in the cheek."I got you a few items in that purple bag right there".I pointed to the purple shopping bag while walking into the kitchen."Where's Daddy?"

"Chile,you know he gone.Like always" she said following behind me,with the shopping bag in her hand.

She sat the bag down on the counter island and opened it up,rummaging through the bag.

I grabbed a sprite out of the fridge and leaned against the stain Steele refrigerator,watching her with a smirk on my face while she went through the bag like a child on Christmas.

She looked up,her eyes was lit with excitement."My favorite perfume! Thank you Jas"

I shrugged and opened my sprite."Dont thank me".I started to drink my cool,thirst quencher,drink.

"Than Who should I thank?"

"Happy birthday!".My dad,My other grandma,grandpa,and Jayceon junior yelled.

My dad had a cake in his hand that had candles sparkling.

I smiled at how surprised my granny was.She even had tears coming out of her eyes.

I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek."63 ain't never look so good"

I went over and sat on a stool that sat in front of the island counter.

I watched as everyone celebrated my grandmothers born-day.Smiles were plastered on everyone's face.

Don't get me wrong I was happy too.More than that,but this only reminds me that my birthday is coming up.

Of course I'm going to be surrounded by the people I love,but I'm always going to feel lonely with light my other half.

"Jasmine! Come here ya mom on the phone" My dad yelled.

I jumped out of my thoughts."huh?"

He motioned for my to come by him.

I sighed and got up.

10 years later,the pain gone always be here.

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