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Jasmine Laid on Jordan's lap as her and Jordan talked on and on, nonstop.

Jasmine told Jordan all about their mom and dad,and about their little brother Jayceon jr.

"Y'all sound like a happy family" Jordan said.She wished she could've grown up like jasmine did.

"Yeah....only thing is moms just now getting out of jail".Jasmine said looking directly at Jordan.She couldn't read her facial expression due to she didn't have one.

The few days Jasmines been with Jordan she learned she was very nonchalant.She didn't show her feelings and she looked as if she didn't care about anything on earth.

Jordan looked at jasmine and shrugged."Shes out now and that's all that matters.I can't wait to meet her again"

Jasmine smiled and looked at the ceiling."Yeah,she's so beautiful...just like when we were kids.So pretty and confident,you used to had the worst attitude"

The girls broke out in laughter."Heyyyy don't do me like that na'!".Jordan said lightly hitting jasmines shoulder.

Jasmine kept laughing,until she seen a scar on her sisters neck."what happened right there?
Did that come from when you was fighting that man?"

The scar looked like a bite mark, a terrible one.

"Where?" Jordan asked.She knew what jasmine was talking about because she was used to that question.

She hated the question because memories from that night would replay.

"C'mon Jordan,you said I could get some right? I'll make it quick"

Jordan closed her eyes tightly,trying to shake the memory out of her head before she was in too deep.

Jordan looked at her sister and shook her head."Nah,Just a Mark"

She wasn't ready to tell jasmine what really happened.


William hopped out of his car and pulled his hoody on due to it pouring outside.He walked to the front door of his fathers house and knocked on the door.

His fathers wife,Veronica opened the door.Veronica was way younger then Williams father.

"He's in the office".Veronica said walking back to the living room.

"Damn,hello to you too" William said shaking his head while walking to the back of the house,where his fathers office was located.

William did the code lock,letting his father know it's him."Come in!"

William walked in,seeing his father busy writing something.He sat down in a chair that faced his dads desk and waited to speak.

"Wassup son?" Williams father said gathering his papers and putting them in a drawer."Our money getting higher and higher boy,that record label doing its job"

William nodded his head while rubbing his chin.He was too busy thinking about his little sister.

"I know what's on your mind son,I'm on it.I got people looking for her all over philly"

"Man how the fuck I let this happen? I'm supposed to be her protector pops! Damn man ima" fucking square fa' this"

Williams father looked at him sincerely.Even though he had a hard face he had a soft soul.

He loved his kids dearly,including Jordan and hated to see them frown.His job was to make them happy and never make them feel down.

"William, I got you okay? I'm going to make sure she's found"

William looked at his dad and nodded his head."I'm helping,as soon as you find out who got er'...I wanna be the one to blow his brains out"

Dad nodded his head and grinned."For sure"

Thug fetish 3:Lost but not forgotten Where stories live. Discover now