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" so what brings a pretty girl like you banging on my door at 12 am during a thunder storm?" He asks, a smirk forming on his face. Betty doesn't have the same reaction to his question, instead just looks around the shop.

" is there a bathroom I could use in here?" She asks, looking down one of the isles. Jughead shifts on his feet, coming out from around the counter.

" Um yea, it's right over there past the science fiction section" He says, pointing towards the dark room. He sees how she's shivering.

" if you want I could go through the lost and found, I'm sure there are some dry clothes in there" He says pointing behind him towards the plastic bin peeking out from under the counter. Betty smiles.

" um, yea. Thanks" she says following him to the bin. Jughead ducks down opening the lid. He digs through, pulling out gray sweatpants and a red and black long sleeve shirt, the name of some college running down the arm. He hands the clothes to her. She holds up the shirt, it's a medium but it will be baggy on her small frame. She reads the lettering running down the arm.

" my roommate would kill me if she saw me wearing this" she says with a laugh. Jughead stands grabbing the sleeve to read it clearly.

" I'm guessing you don't go to... Fordham University?" He says with a laugh.

" no, New Paltz" she says looking at the shirt once more before folding it over her arm along with the sweats. Jughead looks at her suprised.

" I go to New Paltz too, im surprised we've never run into each other on campus" he says. Betty's demeanor seems to change, her eyes dim a little.

" yea, whenever I'm not in a class or in my dorm room I'm with my boyfriend" she says hugging the clothes to her chest. " I don't have  room to socialize much" she says again, meeting his gaze. They stay that way for a moment, no words being exchanged, just looking.

Jughead widens his eyes, like he's trying to wake up before walking towards the back of the building.

" the bathrooms back there" he says pointing down the dark corridor. Betty looks at him before she slowly inches down towards the restroom sign, clearly frightened by the lack of light.

Jughead rubs the back of his neck, building the courage to speak, " I can, wait outside the bathroom if you want. It's pretty dark down there so," he says, walking to catch up with her. She smirks timidly before letting her shoulders slouch a little. She looks at him, a wordless thank you before ducking into the bathroom.

" so which one of these is your favorite?" Betty's asks walking down the isle, her finger running along the dvd's. Jughead walking across the other side of the same isle, pulling out dvd's, looking at the title before putting it back in its place. His eyebrows scrunch and he looks at her through the rack, a smile on his face.

" I can't just pick one, I like about 76% of this whole store" He says. She shrugs as she continues down the isle. " so what's your major?" He asks, his eyes scanning the plastic cases.

" journalism, minor in law and politics" she says. Jughead looks at her dumbfounded.

" I also major in journalism, minor in film and video studies" he says.

" I've never seen you around campus?" She questions, looking up at him.

" I spend most of my free time working here. Not many places like this left. I mean the pay is fair, but I get free rentals and I get to stay here as late as I want so it's a pretty sweet deal" he says.

" why were you still here anyway? I mean do you have a room mate or- "

" I could be asking you the same thing about showing up here in the pouring rain" he shoots back. She jumps a little at his outburst. She takes a deep breath before proceeding.

" sorry, I just- I was just curious why a lively guy like yourself was here all by himself" this makes him smile.

" it's ok. My roommate used to live in the same town as me, my dad he- he's not really around anymore and it left some..unresolved feelings" he says. Betty listens closely.

" roommate troubles, got it" she says as the conversation grows awkward.

" me and my boyfriend were on a date tonight" she says. The isle gets shorter as they continue to walk.

" I didn't mean it, about the whole ' I could be asking you the same thing' bull shit, I just was being defensive" he says as the isle comes to an end leaving them face to face. She fidgets with her hands.

" if we're...stuck here then we might as well get to know each other right?" She says looking up at him. He looks behind her. He leans in reaching past her grabbing something on the shelf behind her. In that split second, his chin almost touching her neck, the warmth of his breath on her shoulder, she wanted him. She clears her throat, clearing her thoughts looking at what he's holding.

" ever seen The Shining?"

" I'm not really into horror-"

" aww come on, you wanted to get to know each other, well I like scary movies, sooo I'll go set up my laptop and you'll go to the break room and heat up some popcorn" the smile forming on his lips, reflecting onto her face.

" but the power-"

" we have a generator in the back, doesn't power much but enough to keep the microwave , fridge and that one outlet going" he says pointing to the outlet without a medal frame behind the counter.

Betty smirks.

" that's a start, but I get next pick" she says as she walks away.

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