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If you are confused with the layout of the store and where there watching the movie skip to end cause I explain for you lovely people ❤️❤️


" you live here don't you?" She asks, her eyes filled with sadness. He just looks at her, his face showing no emotion. He's looking down at his shoes. She reaches out, lifting his head with her finger, she smirks.

" you can talk to me" she says stroking his cheek. He sighs sadly before hopping up on to the counter, betty following.

" I grew up in this town called Riverdale. My dad was not the ideal father, he was an alcoholic, leader of a gang, just not a good place to grow up" he says looking up at her.

" my best friend, Archie Andrews Dad was working for this family, the Lodges. The Lodges  were loaded, and I mean loaded. Hiram Lodge, the brain of the industry you could say was involved in the serpents, my dads gang. Well he did not like how close Archie's Dad, Fred, was with his wife" Betty followed the story best she could, creating a face in her mind to match each name.

" well Hiram thought that the best way to do this was to hire my dad, to shoot Fred. So one morning while Fred was having breakfast with Archie my dad went in and shot him" Jughead let's out a shaky breath.

" did-did he make it?" Betty asks, fiddling with her fingers, looking up at his sad eyes.

" yea, yea he made it, but when Archie found out it was my dad he blamed me. I understand, he couldn't directly yell at my dad since he was in jail, but I was there. So the minute I graduated I left for upstate New York, and here I am. I got into New Paltz, and cut every tie that still kept me in Riverdale. But it's like god wanted me to be miserable cause a month after I started I met my roommate; none other than Archie Andrews. I put up with him talking about how I'm trash, how my dads trash but when he started publishing articles about it and leaving then around our dorm I had to get outa there" he finishes looking up at her.

" that sounds- awful" Betty says, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looks up at her. His hand coming up to rest on her face.

" how have I never met you around campus before?" He whispers. She rolls her eyes teasingly.

" It doesn't matter, we're here now" she says back. He smiles sheepishly.

" I would kiss you right now but based on the fact you mentioned a boyfriend I better not" he says. Betty's smile falls. She hops off the counter and walks towards the microwave.

" sorry- I didn't mean to make you uncomfor-"

"You didn't" she says putting the popcorn in the microwave and hitting the popcorn button. Jughead hops off the counter, taking hold of her arm, slowly turning her around.

" then what did?" He asks, his hand never leaving her arm. She frowns.

" you have roommate troubles...I have boyfriend troubles" she says looking up at him.

" boyfriend troubles? What are you saying Betty?"

She stays quiet before turning around to the microwave.

" why don't you make sure the movies all set up" she says staying focused on the microwave.
Jughead nods silently before heading back behind the counter.

Hey so let me give you a layout of store ( I'm gonna try drawing in ma notes )

Hey so let me give you a layout of store ( I'm gonna try drawing in ma notes )

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Ok soo...

Blue=break room
Green= bathroom

The little green box near counter is the outlet. So the laptop is against the wall and there sitting leaning with their backs against counter. Get it? I hope this helps 😂😂❤️

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