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" well...what did you think" Jughead asks ejecting the movie from his laptop. Betty looks at him.

" I liked it more than I thought I would, but it was kinda creepy, at the end when they show him frozen in the maze" she says, shaking her head.

" what time is it?" She asks. Jughead looks on the computer.

" 12:23" he says looking back at her. " why? Getting tired?" He says with a smirk. She rolls her eyes playfully.

" I'd be lying if I said no but I could go for another movie?" She says rising to her feet, going to walk through the isles.

" your pick" He says. She nods her head and continues to stroll up and down the movie filled rows. She hums when she finds what she's looking for, walking back and handing it to Jughead. He looks at the title, his eyes brighten as he looks up at her smiling.

" rebel without a cause?" He asks holding the movie.

" ever seen it?" She asks sitting back down to her spot.

" of course it's a classic" he says popping it in and sitting next to her. As the movie starts Betty relaxes into his side, her head landing comfortably on his shoulder. He pulls in a sharp breath before speaking.

" tell me about your boyfriend Betty?" He says. He feels her stiffen then sit up.

" he's...a lot sometimes" she starts looking at him.

" he gets really mad and be breaks things, and throws things. He was so sweet and kind at first but- but then he just got mean. He started getting mad at me for little things, saying the wrong thing, looking at him the wrong way. He started to get..violent" Jugheads  jaw clenches and his fists tighten.

" we where on a date tonight. He was driving me back to campus when he decided he wanted to...get intimate. He pulled over and got ontop of me. I shoved him off and he got mad and..." she gestured to her eye.

" he kicked me out of his car and told me to walk back. So I did, then I saw you in here" she ends looking at him. Jugheads eyes look everywhere but hers.

" please say something-"

" why don't you leave" he asks looking at her. She sighs.

" I'm scared I guess. After Polly, he started to throw it in my face, ' maybe if you drove faster' ' I'm sure she's glad she finally got a way from you' he made me feel useless jug, like, like I could disappear and no one would notice. Everytime I tell myself that I'm done with him, he's there saying how no one could ever...love or care about-" she can't get it out and her voice cracks. Tears flow down her face as she looks at Jughead. His heart sinks. He takes no time to pull her into his embrace, cradling her protectively. His vice like grip holding her close to him.

" I'm not gonna let him touch you again" he whispers in her ear before placing a kiss on her head. She shakes her head, pulling away and looking at him.

" you can't promise that" she says latching onto  his t shirt. He takes her hands in his.

" yes I can, I can make sure he won't" he says pulling her head towards his capturing his lips on hers. She hums in response, leaning into the kiss. His hand finds the back of her neck, pulling her towards him. Hers wrap around his neck. When they both separate for air, her forehead leans against his while he holds her hands.

" you are something else Betty Cooper" and his eyes showed truth, and love.

~ Fin ~

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