Wait/Smile More

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James woke with a start to the sound of Hercules's hushed, pleading voice.

"John, dude, please be quiet. I'll be ready soon, just wait outside."

Then came the slightly louder voice belonging to said John. "It's cold outside! I'll be good! I promise!"

"Dude then shut up, James is asleep- oh great you woke him. He didn't have classes today- hi James, I'm sorry we woke you." Hercules said while zipping up a jacket as James sat up yawning and peering at them in sleepy confusion.

"Um..." James turned his gaze to his clock; it was almost 12.

"That's okay." he yawned out and stood up to make coffee and grab something to eat. "Going out?"

Hercules nodded still frowning at James with guilt, whereas John gave him a wide excited grin.

"We're going to see the new Thor movie! We're meeting Peggy, Mariah, Alex and Laf there."

"Cool." James said blankly while rubbing his eyes. He kinda wanted to see the movie, but didn't want to impose.

"Hey maybe sometime you, Thomas and I can rent it and we'll have a mini movie night." Hercules suggested while patting his pockets for his wallet.

Actually, that sounds even more appealing.

"It's frightening how well you know me already." James said jokingly.

"Well, we are roommates." Hercules laughed, and James raised his mug a bit in agreement before taking a sip.

The two left James to himself eventually, and it seemed like half an hour later that there was a knock on his door.

James turned his gaze from the small TV, where he had been flipping through channels.

He sighed and got up, opening the door. Angelica was there examining her nails, and Eliza standing behind her shyly waving.

James stood there in dead silence for a while before turning and going back to his spot on the cushioned foot rest they used as a coffee table, and crossed his legs.

Angelica took the open door as an invitation and entered the room followed by her sister.

"Hey James. What's going on?"

James glanced at Angelica before muting the TV and turning to her. Angelica sat down on his bed and Eliza took a stool at the counter.

"Nothing much. Hercules left to see a movie." He said, with muted Rick and Morty playing behind him.

"Ah. Well, I'll get straight to the point, since you don't look that busy."

James glanced at his TV.

"Eliza and I think you should-"

"Well it was Angie's idea-"

"-Yes thank you Eliza- we think you should go on a date! I've got a friend who's interested? He's um, smart and handsome and good company-"

"You assume I like guys?" James said, an eyebrow raised.

"You don't?" angelica asked, glancing at Eliza who was mouthing 'I told you'.

"I do, but you just assumed?" he smirked, proud of his joke. Angelica rolled her eyes, and Eliza let out a breath she was holding.

"Look. I think you'd have fun with him. And-" James stood up and put his mug on the counter, interrupting Angelica. "I'm not interested."

"Please James. I promised him I'd get him a date. He really really likes you. And you two would be great together!"


Smile More: A BurrMads StoryWhere stories live. Discover now